Chapter I

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[Third Person POV]

He was on the run again. Dream had just stolen a very important item from a very important man. Let's just say that man was not too happy about it. 

Dream rushed through the museum left and right, taking sharp turns hoping to shake off the outraged man behind him. He ran up a flight of steps and up a skinny ladder leading to the attic. The thief hurriedly slammed the trapdoor shut and pushed a barrel over the hatch. 

"Okay, okay, dead end. Stay calm, stay calm, you can figure this out." Dream said to himself in a panicked tone.

Soon, he noticed a fairly large window in front of him. He shattered it with an old chair he found. He hesitated. Thinking through his plan with doubt, Dream looked down at the old timey cars and buses passing through the streets. He heard the sound of the barrel falling over behind him and he quickly turned around. 

"It's over thief, give back what is rightfully mine!" The millionaire shouted at Dream carelessly, running at him with arms flailing about.

"Not today, Quackity." Dream smirked as he gave a small salute with two fingers. He then sprinted and jumped out the window, landing on the second floor of a double-décor bus. 

A whole crowd of people looked at him in disbelief. "..So how are you fellas doing?" Dream said humorously to which he got no answer. The bus gradually drove off with Quackity yelling his name.

Dream was in his apartment room packing his bag. The golden sun rays peaking through his small window was the only source of light. However, it lit up the whole room amazingly.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" Dream's closest friend questioned him with worry.

"Yes Sapnap, this is what I've been preparing for. You sure you don't wanna come with me?" Dream responded with hope.

"Hah, maybe in your dreams. No way I'm gonna bother searching for some legend that isn't even real." Sapnap said in 'as a matter of fact' tone.

"But it is real. When I get my hands on that totem, I could save my mom and maybe even others who are sick just like her." Dream said, "and now that I have this guy, I can finally actually go look for it." He pulled out a smooth blue orb the size of his palm as the light bounced off of it gracefully.

"What the hell Dream! Where did you get a Heart of the Sea!?" Sapnap glared at Dream angry and confused, knowing he stole something that wasn't his. Again. 

"I may or may not have stolen it from a museum which belonged to a millionaire and is now hella angry at me." Dream chuckled nervously as he scratched the back of his dirty blonde hair. 

Sapnap rubbed his temple with his fingers and sighed loudly. "When will you learn Dream? You pretty much have a bounty on your head now you idiot!" Sapnap really cared about Dream. He was incredibly scared to lose him. The two have been together since elementary so they're basically brothers.

"Hey." Dream stuck out a hand on Sapnap's shoulder and looked up to meet his eyes. "I'm gonna be okay, alright?" Dream smiled gently at him and Sapnap soon did the same.

A pause.

"Okay." He responded calmly. As if a switch was then flipped in his brain, he smirked at Dream. "But, if you die by snakes or hippos or something, I'm not paying for your funeral." He said jokingly as he playfully punch Dream in the side.

Dream laughed along with him. "Yeah I know." He said as he weakly punched him back. 

Dream's journey eventually brought him to the small docks of the Badlands- presumably a non-popular business giving out cheap tours of the Amazon to the public. They say the Badlands are also a fierce native tribe that live off the land deep in the jungle. The place opened with a crowded town full of merchants and souvenirs. It then lead to a building connected to one of the docks, but also doubled as a western-vibe bar. Dream made his way through all the tourists, keeping his eyes on the prize.

"Woah." Was all Dream could say as he looked around in the bar. There were drunk people, sober people, and just crazy people in between. If this place was empty, it would give off a whole different vibe.

He immersed himself in the bar, asking around for where he can find the owner of this place so he can hopefully convince him to give him a ride to where he wants to go. The bartender soon said his office was upstairs.

Dream swiftly walked up the wooden stairs and knocked on the door with 'Mr. Fundy' engraved on the front of it. When he got no answer, He put his ear up to the door to see if he could hear anything. Dream faintly heard the sound of shuffling then a bang indicating something probably fell. Then there was silence.

"What can I do for you?" A deep voice said on the others side of the still closed door. 

A/N: Chapter two drops tomorrow!

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