3 - Eva

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I'm not ashamed that he wasn't the one

Had no idea what we would become

There's no regrets I just thought it was fun

There's no regrets I just thought it was fun

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"Okay I'm in the back now. What's up?" I spoke into the phone as I made my way to my vanity in the dressing area. Already beginning to wipe off the small amount of make up I had on my face.

I felt a little bad for just leaving Henry or whatever his name was hanging, but my shift was over and I had made plenty of money already. Once I saw Zayn calling and looked at the time the urge to leave this place was intense.

"Sorry I didn't know you were working." He said apologetically over the line. Knowing how much that annoys me.

"It's okay, you called literally the second it was time for me to leave. The guy I was taking care of was probably going to take a lot more convincing to get any money out of him. I don't have it in me to be here longer than I need to be. Besides, I've missed you. Please say you're calling because you are on your way to my place." I hadn't seen Zayn in over a week. Hank keeps sending him on trips to his other clubs around the country to ensure things are running smoothly.

"You know I couldn't wait too long to see you after getting back in town. I'm driving down there to see Hank really quick. I can give you a ride home." I could almost hear the smirk he had on his face.

"Good thing I let Kori bring me to work today. I'll let her know I won't need the ride home." I respond as I begin to loosen the ties of my corset. Finally being able to get a decent breath out for the first time in 8 hours.

"She's welcome to join us."

"I'm sure you would just love that. We've just got a bit too much tension between us right now and sex isn't going to fix that." My mind began to wander back to last week. Seeing a side of Kori that I didn't even know existed.

~ Flashback ~

Music flooded the space of the dimly lit backyard. The heat of the hot tub was causing me to break out in a light sweat that covered my exposed upper body.

It wasn't unusual for Kori and I to be placed on an assignment together. The club's private website often featured pictures of us together on the front page. Advertising us as a package deal available to the highest bidder once a month. We never complained about it because the payout was huge on our end. The only bad thing was the weird things that these buyers would want us to do.

Tonight we were at the clients own house rather than one of the club provided locations. The man and I were both sitting in the hot tub in his backyard. Clouds of steam were radiating off of the warm water due to the chill of the outside air. If it weren't for the warm water we would be freezing. Which made me feel horrible for Kori who was standing on the edge of the hot tub in her bikini. Dancing sensually as best she could while trying to ignore the frigid temperature her body was subjected to.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2021 ⏰

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