~Chapter 1~

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Quackity was pacing back and forth in the prison cell waiting for Sam to make the bridge go over. He told Sam not to worry about the netherite barrier...Dream wouldn't be a problem...

When the bridge finally got over Sam was on it too. He wanted to see what had happened, When he was finally able to see he regretted it right away.. It was a gruesome sight. There was blood everywhere and it stunk...BAD. Sam hadn't been in the actual cell for a long while and Quackity always has a face mask on when going in there. The face mask is more for protection then anything last time he faced off with an enemy he got a blind eye. Lucky for Quackity this enemy can't even fight back.

Sam has been giving the injured man raw potatoes is whole stay... That wasn't the best for healing.. Techno was knocked out in the corner, Quackity doesn't need anything from Techno yet, And seeing a friend of his beat up and knowing he didn't do anything to prevent it was enough torture. Techno is extremely protective over two people... Phil, Obviously. And..Dream :), The Admin, The server owner, One of the few people that hasn't betrayed Techno. Also known as Prisoner 000 to Sam. Techno being 001

Dream had multiple hits to his head they look like he was hit with the opposite side of the axe.. His prison jumper was completely cut up and there was blood staining around every tear in the shirt. The bandana that covered his eyes instead of his mask, was also stained with red. He had a smile cut over his mouth also called a glasgow smile... Luckily it wasn't too deep..But still bad enough that it will scar. His hair was long and matted covered in dried and new blood and some dirt from sleeping on the floor.

Sam walked over Dream and lifted his shirt just a bit he had a whole smiley face cut into his side then just a bunch of blood gashes. Quackity was leaned against the wall looking at his feet. "Are you proud of you 'Art'?" Sam asked pointing to the smiley face on Dreams side, chest and the glasgow smile on his face. Quackity just grunted at Sam. Then after a minute of checking Dreams wounds Techno was starting to wake up. And Quackity decided to speak up "You let me torture him...This is on you too." He mumbled. Sams fists clenched

"He's not dead luckily..Yet." He stated coldly. "He's bruised and cut everywhere. He probably has a concussion... And he's malnourished.." Sam rubbed his hand across Dreams ribs that were very visible. "Could you not realize how weak and skinny he is?!" Sam snapped. "Oh come on Sam! He's the villain! What do you care?!" Sam cover his face with his hands. "He did it to himself anyways! There was a huge pile of potatoes in the corner I used it as leverage so what?!" Sam stood up once Quackity finished talking, He pushed him over to the bridge and threw a cloth, gauze, and some saline in the cell then walked away with Quackity.

'Hope Techno knows how to clean cuts properly...' Sam said to himself with a hint of worry.

~Technos POV~

I woke up and my head hurt a lot... 'Ughh what happened?' Then I remembered, 'QUACKITY WAS HERE FUCK!' I quickly shot up from where I was sitting and looked around. When I saw no one I looked on the ground and I saw him laying there covered in blood. 'What the hell is wrong with Quackity?!' I ran over to Dreams side and as soon as I touched him there was blood all over my hands, The voices were going crazy but I ignored them. I looked to my left and there were some medical stuff 'I guess Sam was here...' I picked up the stuff and moved it closer to Dream.

~3rd person POV~

He carefully sat Dream up against the wall and slowly took his shirt off as to not hurt Dream at all, Techno grabbed the cloth and stood up. He walked over to the sink and got the cloth was only damp. Techno made sure the water wasn't too hot or too cold. He brought it back over to Dream and sat down. He gently wiped up the cuts on his body, Techno then looks up and looked at the cut on Dreams mouth.

He sighed the took off the blindfold Dream had on and started to wipe the cuts on his face leaving his mouth for now. Once everything else was cleaned on Dreams face he moved his hand down . Techno softly cleaned the blood off his mouth. 'This is definitely gonna scar...' Techno held Dreams head with his left hand while holding the cloth in his right hand. He then grabbed the saline and gauze and cleaned all the wounds on his body and face. Every time the cold cleaner touched his cuts, Dream flinched. Techno then Grabbed the gauze wrap, And he wrapped it around Dreams torso making sure to cover all the cuts. He also tended to the burns on his arms and wrapped the cuts and burns on his arms and hands. He wrapped Dreams legs and used the gauze wrap to make a new temporary blindfold and a face mask.

-When Dream woke up-

~Dreams POV~

'Ughh...' I lifted my hand to my head and as soon as I moved my arm everything stung like hell. My body ached and all I could smell was the awful scent of blood. I looked to my side and saw something that looked like a mask? but it was made out of some sort of bandage... I shrugged my shoulders and put the mask and blindfold on. I couldn't see much through the blindfold but..I must have it for a reason right? I looked up and I saw a person sitting near a hole with water in it. I look to my other side and see lava. 'That explains why it's so hot...'

I tried standing up but immediately fell. "AAGH" The person next to me shot up he looked scared "DREAM!" He ran next to me "Dream?" I mumbled, He looked at me confused but seemed to shake it off. "Are you okay?!" I backed away from the man with a very monotone voice laced with bits of worry.

"W-Who's Dream... A-And Who are you?!"

(If you don't like blood don't look at the photo at the bottom but it's basically what Dream looks like and it was the least gruesome photo)

(This photo is also SFX make-up so it isn't real)

(Dream has it on both sides without the stitches)

(Dream has it on both sides without the stitches)

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Who am I? -Dreamnoblade (Discontinued! For now)Where stories live. Discover now