~Chapter 2~

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~Technos POV~

"W-Who's Dream... A-And Who are you?!"

'How can one sentence hurt so much?... Why did it hurt? He's just a homeless teletubby.....'

"I- uhh...errr...-" Before I could finish my sentence Sam was coming across the Lava again... He was watching the video cameras. Of course. I couldn't even warn Dream before Sam was here. "Hey kid are you alright?" So fake... He doesn't care about Dream...

"Let's get you two out of here.. I'm so glad we found you!" He spoke again.. I felt my blood boiling but I could do nothing at this point. I stood up and helped Dream up... Sam doesn't even want to touch him.. I motioned my head for him to start walking, And he caught on. He followed Sam, looking behind him at me a couple times 'He still hates people walking behind him. At least he didn't forget that....'

I laughed at memory I had of Me, Dream, Phil, And Wilbur. We went for a walk on a day that Dream and George had a fight, We had to walk in a single file line for a second on the path.. I was behind Dream and he continued checking behind him I could never see his expression because of his mask, But I guess this is what his expression was... He just looked tense and uncomfortable..

"We have some clothes for you in there, But we don't have any weapons.." Sam lied.. He has my weapons. Luckily Sam can't get them the key card is in my ender chest. Dream walked into the locker room while me and Sam waited outside. "I'm not gonna let you manipulate Dream..." I whispered. "And why not? He manipulated everyone of us." I rolled my eyes at him. "Maybe if you ever listened to Dreams side you would realize he was just a man. Who had to take care of a whole server on his own." I growled out. "Dream was 16 When he started building this SMP. He participated in his first war at 17." Sam looked surprised, Then Dream walked out. He still looked as good as he ever did in his hoodie. It was a lot looser now though...

"Alright let's go!" Sam put on a fake smile. When we got outside the whole SMP was there. Half of their expressions were all fake, Dream looked tense so I walked up to him and put my hand on his back. He jumped but then somewhat relaxed. I saw Phil and Ranboo off to the side, They knew something happened.. I mean why else would the two of the most feared Villains get let out of prison unless something has happened?

"So great news everyone!" Sam was putting on a show for the people who don't know about Dream losing his memory and Dream of course... "Dream has gone through... A lot of .. Therapy... And he is much better now!" Bullshit.

I looked to Phil and Ranboo again, They saw my expression and knew what it meant. "Sam. We have been taking care of Patches, I feel like she can help him get used to being out of the prison!" Phil looked at Dream who was covering his face with the cloth mask I made him. When I looked at Sam he looked really suspicious but since it was Phil who asked, Sam nodded his head.

"Cmon Dream let's go get your cat..." I whispered. "*Gasp* I have a cat?!" He acted so different... This wasn't the Dream I knew anymore. For once Tommy was actually thinking smart decided to speak up and help with the suspension. "I'll go with them Sam. Watch them." Tommy mumbled and walked over to us Sam nodded and eased up a bit.

The five of us began walking Dream got distracted by so much.. "Ooo! WHAT ARE THESE?!" He ran over to a patch of peonies. "Did prison make you stupid?" Tommy laughed out "Tommy." Philza had warned "What?! Did prison make him soft?! Last I remember he killed me with a potato!" Tommy yelled which made Dream stop walking and tense up.


Dream didn't understand why he was scared of the yelling...He just was.. Everyone noticed him being tense. Dream wasn't responding to anyone. "Okay what the fuck is wrong with him?!" Tommy yelled. "Only Techno and Sam know the full truth..." Phil said calmly. The yelling stopped, Dream slowly walks over to the flowers again and picks one up. He holds it to his chest while walking back, "So Techno? What happened why is he so different?" Tommy crossed his arm. Techno looked like he didn't want to say anything. "All I'll say is this 'Therapy' Wasn't that therapeutic.... And wasn't even a real therapist." Techno pushed Dream forward so he would continue walking. Dream was smelling the flower while looking at all his surroundings.

"Did Puffy not do the therapy? She's basically Dreams Mom, I'm not sure if she adopted him though." Phil said.

"No. Puffy didn't do any therapy. But he definitely needed a lot." Everyone looked at Techno confused on why he was using past tense words, but Techno quickly continued. "We need to get home quickly. Phil can you make Dream some kind of mask?" Phil nodded wearily, Everyone saw Dreams face when Tommy forced him to take his mask off when he was sent to prison..

"Good." Techno walked faster. "So... You never answered my question sir.. I have a cat?" Dream looked really happy while saying it, Techno couldn't help but smile a tiny bit. "Yes, Her name is Patches." Phil said walking at the same pace as Dream and Techno, Tommy and Ranboo walking a step behind.

Dream felt the people behind them and tensed again. Trying his hardest not to look behind himself. He dug his nails into his palms, Phil noticed this and tried to stop him "Hey Dream! mate? Stop doing that your hurting yourself!" Techno grabbed his arm trying to stop him. He looked around and saw Ranboo and Tommy behind them. He sighed... "Go in front of us." His natural monotone voice said filled with seriousness (Is that a real word? I have absolutely no clue...)

Tommy and Ranboo shuffled awkwardly in front of the other 3. Once Dream knew they were no longer any way that could hurt him from behind him at the moment, he released his grip in his hands and moved the now crippled flower to his chest. "Sorry..." They could see Dreams palms bleeding. "It's fine Dream." They were close to the house they were walking in the snow. "Ooo! It's so pretty here!" Dream ran over to a snow pile and picked some up leaving bits of the snow red from his hands.

"It's snow dumbass." Tommy mumbled, Ranboo hit him as a way to tell him to shut up. "We're here" Phil exclaimed, Dream looked up from the cold snow in his hands and saw a farm and houses! As they walked into the house Ranboo noticed something, "Hey Techno why does he have a tail but no wings or Horns?" They all looked at Dream who was petting Steve now. "He hides his wings because they are really sensitive... He used to be able hide his tail, But he can't anymore." Techno looked at rival/friend. "His horns...were..Taken away.." Techno sat on the couch with his head in his hand.

"Aweee he's so cute!" Dream laughed while petting Steve, Phil smiled at him. "I'm gonna go make some sort of mask. You can show him Patches!" Phil said happily, And he walked away.

Who am I? -Dreamnoblade (Discontinued! For now)Where stories live. Discover now