~Chapter 3~

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Techno, Niki, Ranboo, Tommy and Dream were all sitting in the living room. Niki had came by after Techno messaged her. Dream was playing with Steve while the rest were all talking. But after about 10 minutes she decided to speak to Dream.

"Hey, Dream?" Niki said softly, She didn't want to scare him, Everyone has noticed how jumpy he is.. Dream looked up at her, It looked like he had sparkles in his eyes just from playing with Steve. Niki thought he was adorable.

'Awee I just want to keep him in my pocket and protect him!' Niki snapped out of her thoughts as soon as she realized she was staring. "Do you want coffee? Or hot cocoa?" Everyone in the room, even Steve, looked at Dream when they heard him gasp. "Hot cocoa!" He stood up just for Steve to paw him and make him sit back down. Dream grumbled and crossed his arms.

"Dream your acting like a child." Tommy stated with a unamused tone. Dream looked at Tommy, He moved backwards into Steve and uncrossed his arms. "h-hot cocoa please..." He stuttered out. Techno and Niki glared at Tommy. He just scooted back in his seat from being uncomfortable.

-Niki's POV-

"Dream. Do you want to come with me while I make it." Tommy could tell I was angry at him. He looked scared, Which I am pretty proud of!

"Can the polar bear come?" He asked, I didn't know so I looked to Techno. He nodded his head, He wasn't looking at me though. He was staring at Dream... In the words of Technoblade.. 'He's a nerd' I giggled while looking between the two. "Cmon let's go!" Dream stood up and motioned for Steve to follow. And us three went to the kitchen.

Steve kept following Dream every step-

"Dream-" I kept laughing, "Dream I don't think we can fit here with Steve there's no way to walk around!" I had been squeezing past Dream and Steve while trying to make hot cocoa, "Sorry!" Dream turned around and pushed Steve back with him. Dream was watching me confused while I was making the drinks.

"And....Done!" I swirled the whipping cream on the top of the last drink. Dream clapped his hands "YAY!" I sighed happily, He was acting just like how he was when we were kids.. "Let's bring the drinks to the others alright?" I said softly, Dream nodded his head and ran over to the counter, I grabbed two cause that's all I could hold. "What about the other drink?" He asked while holding three cups. "We can come back for it!" I laughed out. Dream was determined to bring it though. Of course he was, He's always been stubborn. He placed one cup on top of his head and grabbed the last cup on the counter.

"Dream! If that's falls it's going to burn you!" But of course Dream needed to argue back. "Noo I'll be fineee" He giggled causing the cup on his head to shake a bit. "Cmon let's hurry then so you don't drop it!" I started to walk out Dream following cautiously behind me. And Steve right behind Dream making sure he doesn't trip.

"We got drinks!" I yelled as we entered the living room. I handed a drink to Ranboo then kept the other for myself, Dream scurried over to Techno and Tommy and handed the both of them a drink. "Is the last cup for Mr. Philza?" Dream asked "You can call him Phil, But yeah it is!" I laughed out.

-Dreams pov-

I reached my hands up to grab the last cup then started to run to the stairs, "Stay!" I yelled to Steve I think they said his name is... who tried to follow me. When I was up the stairs I realized.. This is the first time I have ever been in this house. I have no clue where Mr. Philzas room is! "Mr. Philza?" I called out, I thought I heard a machine sound in the room to my left so I walked in. But there was nothing in there, It was just a bed, Some bookshelves, A bell, There was also some chests and barrels, and near the door there was a stand it had a white and blue outfit with a blue cape! I liked the cape a lot, And I was a bit cold.. So I put it on, It was actually really comfortable. 'Shit... I was supposed to find Mr.Phil!' I ran out of the room the cape flowing behind me. I heard what sounded like a person humming a song, so I walked into there. And luckily, Mr. Philza was sitting right there!

"Mr. Philza!" I ran up to him with the drink, I smiled not that he could see it...and handed it to him. "Ms. Niki made hot cocoa!" He took the drink, "Tell her I say thank you!" I nodded my head and started to walk away, I didn't like talking too much cause I would always have to talk loud which hurt my throat. The mask muffles my voice a lot. "Oh, Dream!" Mr. Philza called my name. I turned around and looked at him. My hot cocoa was getting cold and I wanted to go downstairs and drink it, "This mask should be a bit thinner" He handed me a white mask with a smile on it, it was a lot thinner like he said. And it was cold and smooth! But I can't tell what the material was

"Thank you Mr. Minecraft." I smiled again, Still forgetting I'm wearing a mask that covers my mouth. I went downstairs with the mask and drink, Mr. Philza was behind me. I made sure I was far ahead, But I still had the urge to check behind me every few seconds.

When we got downstairs I was getting looks from everyone.. I started to tense up, So I ran over to Steve and cuddled up to him. I sat in between his front legs laying against his chest while Steve is sitting up. "Dream you know what your wear-" Ms. Niki attempted to say before Tommy cut her off "The blade doesn't let anyone wear his shit so you better take it off." Mr. Tommy crossed his arms and just stared at me... But Mr. Techno stepped in! "Leave him be." Ms. Niki was smiling very wide, and Mr. Philza, And Mr. Boo we're just laughing. While Mr. Tommy was pouting.

I took my makeshift mask off and placed it next to me. And if I thought the looks I was getting before was bad... Then the looks I'm getting now are just...torture.. they were all whispering to each other.. Except Mr. Techno he was staying quiet and looked either worried.. Or annoyed. Am I ugly or something? I'm not sure what I look like... never seen myself. But I didn't get these looks when my mask was on...

I shoved it off and drank the hot cocoa. I ignored the whispers and the looks I'm getting and just stayed in my own world.

-Tommy's POV-

'Dream didn't have that cut when he went into the prison...' Dream always had scars sure. But not this bad... The scars he has before were animal scratches and the occasional sword cut. He never allowed himself to get hit by an axe on the face because of how much damage it can cause, if there was a chance it was gonna happen he'd block the hit with his arms or something. Then there was also what looks like a knife cut going up on the corner of his mouth.

It looked horrible... No no no! He deserves it.. He-He deserves it..R-Right?

(Credit to this artist, i'm not sure who drew it but it's absolutely amazing!)

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(Credit to this artist, i'm not sure who drew it but it's absolutely amazing!)

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