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A/N: Sorry Ya'll! The last chapter lied. Gem Has been really busy so this story will be mostly written by Me, Skylar...

A/N: And me, London! Enjoy!

The flowers drifted in the breeze, they blew and twisted and spiraled through the crisp wind. A dainty rain-drop plummeted from the expanse above and landed on Lumi's nose, making a gentle 'drip-drop' sound effect. 

The sky was painted a million shades of orange and pink, and gray-tinted storm clouds rallied above the sun. They thundered and lightning cracked. Her grandmother called her inside, waking her from her dreaming "Lumina! A storm's coming! Get inside right now!" her grandmother looked like a bundle of sticks as she stood hunched on the weathered wood porch, wrapped in her favorite ragged blanket.

Lumi immediately abandoned the yard, only sending a single longing glance to the purplish flowers drifting to the ground. "Grammy!" she cried as she raced up the wood steps, each footfall echoing through the foundation. "You shouldn't be out here! The doctor said..."

Her Grammy interrupted her, "I don't need bed rest! The farm needs... The farm needs..." she erupted into a wet, guttural hacking cough that shuddered throughout her whole body.

Lumi worriedly rubbed warm circles onto her grandmothers back as she guided her through the door, out of the rain and to her bed. Her grandmother reluctantly sat down.  Her grandmother's bedroom was small (the bigger bedroom had gone to Lumi, but when she tried to her protest her Grandmother just answered with a flap of her hand,"I don't need anything but love, Sweetheart. Teenagers need room to be moody. ")

But the bed was cozy and warm with a pretty patchwork quilt on it. And in the place of honor was her Grandmother's ragged blanket.

Lumi wanted to calm her Grammy down. "Grammy tell the blanket story again!"

Her Grammy cleared her throat, absent mindlessly smoothing the blanket. "Well... It was the day you were born..."

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