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Lumi grew up, and became an astronomer. She used to joke at press confrences that "She had always had her head in the stars as a child." She married, had three children, and adopted another, who she named Amara, after her grandmother. She started a charity for the hungry, and became the leading scientist in her field after she discovered bacteria on another planet and helped improve space travel. She then became an important leader in NASA for 15 years. When she retired, she and her husband moved back to her childhood home, a beautiful farm. When she died at the age of 101, she had one thing written on her tombstone "Always"

A/N: Sorry about the short story, I have so many other stories I have to write I thought It'd be nice to knock this one out. So I hope you enjoyed this!!!! Sorry, but it's hard for me to write mushy. So if you have any questions, like when does Grammy die? What are Lumi's kids named? Who is her husband? etc. comment and I promise to answer!


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