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Her Grandmother smiled fondly down at the blanket. 

"One stormy night, we heard a knock at the door. When we went to open it, we found a picnic basket, and inside was a baby, wrapped in a bright pink blanket. We looked around for your parents, but no one was around. We took care of you, waiting to see if someone would show up and claim you, but luckily, no one did. And even though we were too old to have a baby, we adopted you, and named you Lumina, for the light you brought into our lives." Her grandmother finished the story with a smile on her face. But the smile morphed into a sad one as she turned to face Lumina.

"Honey, you know that soon I'm not going to walk this earth anymore."

Lumina shook her head quickly as tears dripped down her cheeks. "Don't talk like that Grammy. You'll be fine."

Her grandmother grabbed Lumi by the hand, "Honey. There is a bright, big, beautiful world out there. I want you to be a part of it. I want you to explore. I want you to love and learn and settle down and have a family!" She paused, "My beautiful girl." she whispered softly. "The other day I finalized my will. You are going to inherit the farm when you retire. Until then, I've rented it out to a nice family who said they'll let you visit anytime."

Lumi gasped, "But Grammy!"

Her Grandmother looked at her sadly."Lumi, you know just as well as I do the second I die, you will try to live at this farm the rest of your life, trying to live off memories," she shook her head, "But living off memories is no way to live. I learned that when your Grampy died. I didn't want to do anything but look at old photos and remember. I NEED you to move on, honey. There is a whole world out there for you to change. You could win the Nobel Peace Prize, cure cancer, or start a charity that changes thousands of lives. Memories are beautiful things, honey. But don't let yourself drown in them. Live on with them as your guide."

Lumi sobbed, "Grammy, please no. You won't die. You have so many years left!"

Her Grammy reached out to tuck a strand of heair behind her graddaughters shoulders,"I love you, my beautiful light. And you are strong and brave and the boys will be falling all over you."

Lumi laughed through her tears, "Ick!! Grandma!"

Grammy smiled," I will be with you always. Remember that."



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