Joey's First Duel PT - 2

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3rd Person Pov

The duel between Mai and Joey continues as Y/n and the others watched from the sidelines. Y/n had his arms crossed as he looked at Mai as the spirit of the Millenium Puzzle's voice comes into his head.

Spirit: 'Joey seems to be having trouble during this duel.'

Y/n: Yeah, but I don't think that's what's really going on. That Mai woman says she's psychic, but I don't think that's the case.

Y/n continued to look at Mai as Joey looked at his card in his hands before picking one and place it on the field in face down defense position.

Joey: Since I can't see what's she's playing, I gotta get defensive.

The card appears on Mai's duel screen as she looked at it with a smirk on her face.

Mai: Running scared, huh? Well let me show you my surprise.

Mai holds up her Cyber Shield equip sleek as she looked at Joey.

Mai: Cyber Shield, to juice up my Harpy's Lady.

A purple colored armor appears covering the chest and legs of the monster as it screeches out loudly.

Harpy's Lady
Atk - 2190

The Harpie swoops down and strike at the face down monster as it appears and growls out before being destroyed.

Joey: No! How's she doin' that?

Mai: *laughs* This is so much fun! In case you were wondering, the next card you were thinking off won't work either.

Joey looks at her as he starts to sweat and grow more angry.

Joey: Mai has E.S.P., it has to be it. I'm gonna lose this duel match and the chance to save my sister.

Y/n: Joey!

Joey looked at Y/n in shock as Y/n looked at him in determination and his arms crossed.

Y/n: Don't let her get to you, you can do this. Remember why you are doing this and why you came with me to this island. I believe that you can become a great duelist and win this.

Joey looked at Y/n before his face became one of determination as he nodded towards his friend. He moved his attention back to the duel as Mai laughed with a smile on her face.

Mai: Ha ha ha, this game is mine. You can't win against me.

Teá: Don't let her rattle you! She's just trying to psych you out!

Mai: Stay out of this! Your brainless cheerleading isn't going to help him against the superior power of my Harpy Ladies. Don't you guys get it yet? Friendship never win duels, never will. So just keep you-

Mai immediately stopped speaking as a chill went down her spine. What made her afraid was a death glare from Y/n as he kept his arms crossed. The glare was just enough to stop her blabbering as she looked at him before looking back at the duel. Y/n looked at her as he wasn't the kind of person who would allow anyone e to back talk to his friends no matter what reason it was for. Y/n looked at Joey as Ruby looked at him.

Ruby: Do you think Joey can get the card you gave him?

Y/n: I believe so, and judging by how his deck was made, he should get it on his next turn. This competition is about strategy and having to go against people you have faced before and those you haven't. Knowing this, he will have to go against me sooner or later. For now, Joey need to figure out how he's gonna win against Mai.

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