Prologue | Fireworks

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walking towards the park while licking his favorite ice cream, which is mint chocolate, a seven-year-old huening kai noticed a boy sitting on a bench who is probably crying as he is hugging his legs, curling up, and his face is buried on his knees.

huening kai firstly looks at his mother to see if she is watching him and when he realized that she is not, he quickly walked towards the boy.

he lifted himself up to sit on the bench as it was a little bit high before he lightly tapped the boy's shoulder. the little boy let out a hum between his sniffles then he slowly shifted his face towards his right to take a peek.

"hi!" huening kai immediately waved his hand and curved his lips into a smile when the boy looked at him. seeing his swollen eyes, huening's smile disappeared and knitted his brows, giving him a worried glance. "why are you crying?"

the boy scratched his nose. "none of your business." he said between his sobs before he put down his legs and stirred his feet to reach the ground but before he went down from the bench, huening kai grabbed his sleeve which made the boy divert his eyes on him with one brow raised.

"d-do you want some?" huening kai offered his ice cream. he doesn't know why he did that, he just wants to make the boy feel better but he has no idea how.

looking at his ice cream, the boy furrowed his brows. "is that mint choco?" huening kai nodded his head and smiled but then it quickly faded away when the boy snorted. "i don't like mint choco, they taste like toothpaste."

"they are really delicious!" huening kai whined and pouted his lips at the statement of the boy. he wonders why people say that mint chocolate tastes like toothpaste, the flavors aren't the same though. even his mother isn't a fan of mint choco also.

the boy rolled his eyes. "yeah, yeah, whatever." he uttered before he scrunched his nose.

"so, why did you cry?" huening kai asked once again after he licked his ice cream. the boy then glimpses at him, hesitating whether he will tell the reason to him or not. but anyways, it is not like he will lose something if he told him. "my parents scolded me."

huening kai hummed and nodded his head. he firstly took a lick of his ice cream again before speaking, "then, what are you doing here?"

"i ran away"

hearing that made the little huening kai widened his eyes and choked his own saliva. a kid ran away from their house? this is his first time meeting a boy who is the same age as him running away from their home just because they got scolded.

oh well, he can't judge him though. he didn't know what was the reason why he got scolded and he also didn't know how his parents scolded. it must be tough since the boy decided to scram out of their house.

"where are you going?" huening kai asked as he noticed the boy had already gone down from the bench. "i don't know. going nowhere i guess." he uttered and before he forwards his foot, huening kai halted him making him groan in annoyance. "what do you want?"

huening kai drew a genuine smile on his face. "i want to show you something." he said and took a bite of the cone of his ice cream before he grabbed the boy's arm but he suddenly pulled back his arm which made huening kai frown. "where will you take me? i don't even know who you are."

"oh right!" he let out a chuckle, remembering that he hadn't introduced himself to the boy. " i am huening kai, you can call me hyuka." he extended his hand in front of him as he was offering a handshake.

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