Chapter 2 | rants

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"hyun.." beomgyu called out while knocking the door. after the two went home yesterday, jungeun, beomgyu's mother, let her son's best friend sleep on their guest room so that he could have privacy. she knows that beomgyu won't let him breathe if taehyun take a rest at the older's room.

with no response from the person inside the room, the lad knocked once again. "it's time for breakfast." beomgyu uttered but still received no response.

letting out a sigh, jungeun gently rubbed her son's arm. "maybe we should leave him for a while, sweetie. let him take a rest." she spoke which made beomgyu took a deep breath before nodding.

beomgyu hopes that taehyun will be alright. he still doesn't have any idea why his mother kicked him out and what burdens his best friend has lately but he knows that it is pretty heavy. recalling from what the younger's words yesterday, he guessed that something bad had happened to him.

"mom, do you think taehyun will be fine?" beomgyu suddenly asked which caught jungeun's attention.

"you speak like he is in a hospital or something. i do not know taehyun well but we both know that he is a tough guy." she uttered before she curved his lips into a reassuring smile.

sighing, beomgyu drifted his eyes on the guestroom door, hoping that taehyun will finally come out and talk to him.

three hours have already passed by and yet taehyun still doesn't go outside the room. because of this, beomgyu got so worried that he knocked on the door once again. "taehyun.."

"do you wanna build a snowman?"

beomgyu jokes earning a smack on his mother. chuckling, he hopes that taehyun will respond..

and he did. "go away, beomgyu." hearing his voice made the lad smile. "hyun, you know my two ears are fully open to hear your rants. you can curse at me or whatsoever." beomgyu uttered before knocking the door again.

a couple of seconds passed by yet only silence that beomgyu heard inside the room. sighing, beomgyu lean his forehead on the door. "okay, bye."

the older one was about to walk away when suddenly the door opened. as the lad sees his best friend's appearance; messy hair, swollen eyes, and he can feel the depression from him; beomgyu can't help but feel pity for him. but even though he feels that, he immediately tightly hugged the younger.

taehyun doesn't know what to feel. he wants to hug back but everytime someone holds him, or even touch, he feels more disgusted about himself that he couldn't even explain about it. "b-beomgyu.." taehyun swivels his body while weakly pushing him. he can feel his tears forming on his eyes.

when beomgyu felt taehyun being uncomfortable, he instantly let go. "sorry." the older said.

taehyun looks down for a meantime as he tries to stop himself from breaking down. he then enters the room while his best friend is following from behind him.

"you probably already saw the video." taehyun suddenly spoke which made beomgyu startled a bit. "what video?"

"oh, c'mon. it already spread to the whole country and still you haven't watched or seen it? it also has my name on the title, full name."

confusion drew on beomgyu's face. "i don't know what you are saying. i haven't opened any of my social media since last two days 'cause i'm a bit busy from schoolworks."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

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