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A couple days later


I wake up to my alarm ringing and me sleeping on top of mark.

Mark- turn it off
Mya- ok grumpy

I turned it off and got up to look at my planner to see what I have to do today. When I saw that I had an interview!

My period was off now and I felt good about doing this. But I was kind off nervous so I decided to dress comfy and ask mark if he wanted to come too.

Once I finished this was the end result:

Me- markMark- what Me- can you come with me to an interview Mark-bet

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Me- mark
Mark- what
Me- can you come with me to an interview

He got up and went to go get dressed and I went downstairs to talk to everyone

Me-hey y'all
Macei- heyyyyyy
Layla- hey
Angel- where you going
Tyler- prolly on a date
We all started laughing
Mirah- but foreal where you going
Me- I'm going to an interview I have
Jaliyah- mmmm, look at you going on interviews
Kam- who it's for
Me- it's for no jumper
Kam- oh ok
Mykel- you still ugly
Me- stay in a child's place lil boy
Jay- where mark
Me- he coming with me

Just then mark came

Mark- you wanna drive
Mya- can you
Mark- sure

Once we left we decided to stop to the store and I got some gummy bears and sprite and then met with mark at the register.

Mark- I'm paying
Me- but I want to

He ended up paying and we got to the car and then headed to the place where my interview was.

1 hour later

We pulled up to the place and went in.

Mark- should I go stay in the car
Me- no come with me and do it
Mark- ok
We went and sat in the room while we waiting for the camera people
Few minutes later
The camera started rolling and I held on to marks hand out of nervousness
(Iv will be interviewer and the others are the same)
Iv- So Danileigh how did your career start off
Me- So I always knew I had an okay voice but I never really used it until I decided to make a song about mark
Iv- You must have really loved him to be making music about him
Me- I did and I still do very much even when we were out through ruff patches
Iv- that is some true love and the fans seem to love it
Me- yea
Iv- so enough about that but do you have something coming soon for the

(make up a supporter name , I don't feel like it)

Me- I actually do have something big coming for them but it won't be soon
Iv- ouuuu well be ready for it guys
She pointed at the camera
Iv- so Dani you never really talk about your family but do they support you or were they an inspo to start your music career
Me- well as a kid I was umm abused and neglected and I ran away
I started to get a little emotional and teary
Me- and I ended up doing so good and reconnected with my childhood besties, angel and Layla, and with meeting them I meet mark and he introduced me to the bad kids and funnymike which were a huge inspiration to my career and they also raised me to the person I am now.
Iv- wow that's so crazy especially with you hiding it from the world
Me- yea I was just keeping it away since it doesn't really hurt anymore

After the interview

Me and mark were driving back to the house when he broke the silence

Mark- do you really love me
Me- of course

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