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Two months later
In those two months me and mark did A LOT
of "stuff" but we weren't scared of getting pregnant, because we love taking care of Londyn but today I wake up different. I ran to the bathroom as puke came up my throat feeling like I'm sick
Me- mark
Mark - huh- omg are you ok baby
Me- no I feel sick
I said crying
Mark- let's go to the doctors
Me- fine
The only reason I said yes was because I felt horrible and didn't feel like arguing . He put a shirt on me and some sweats and he just put a shirt on as we got into the car and pull out the driveway
Me-😂😂🤣 omg what if I'm pregnant
Mark- why are you laughing
Me- wait what if I'm pregnant 🥺😢😭😫
Mark- it's ok if you are because you know I will support you in any way you need me to and I would do anything for you
He always had a calm relaxed voice that I loved
He said as we pulled up and went in
Desk lady- May I help you
Me- yes I'm here to find out if I'm pregnant
Desk lady- oh ok
She said handing me papers to sign
Two min later
Doctor- Mya Johnson
He pointed to the door as me and mark walked in to the room
Doctor - ok Ms.Johnson would you like to inform anyone after you take the test
Me- just the people on my call list
Mark- ok so how does this work
Doctor- so how are you two related
Me- my boyfriend
Doctor - well Mya is going to have to either do a blood test or a urine test
Me- urine test
Mark- ok
He hands me the cup I go pee on it and then I gave it back to him
Mark- bae
Me- huh
Mark- how are we going to tell Mac
Me-well figure this out together
Me- right?
Then the doctor comes back into the room
Doctor- ms.johnson
Doctor- the test came back negative but you are at risk of being pregnant so go on birth control so the symptoms will go away
Me&mark- ok
Then we leave with the test in a bag and head home . As we opened the door we see Mac staring at the door looking sad and mad and everyone esle was either on their phone or eating
Mac- where were you too!
I just burst into tears
Me- I'm sorry
Mac- sorry isn't enough to say that you left you're room a mess and then you buy food
He said snatching the bag
Me- nnnooo!!!!
Mark- oh shit
Mac- watch y'all mouth
Jaliyah-why is there a test in here
Me- we were going to tell you guys but we just got back
Then I run to the bathroom to puke again
Jaliyah- girl are you pregnant
Me- no I'm tell you later
Then all the girls come into my room as I head out the bathroom and onto my bed
Layla - so you just not gone tell us what happened
Me- so kam cover your ears
Layla-not like that
I burst out laughing
Angel- what's funny
Macei- she probably just having mood swings
Mirah- oops
Kam- what
Mirah- umm the boys are mad nobody is telling them what happened
Me- tell them to come in
I said wiping my tears and going into the bathroom
Mark- where is she
Macei- in the bathroom
Mark - ok
He said coming into the bathroom and running water into the bathtub and getting me some new clothes
Me- thanks bae
Mark - anything for you
That made me smile
The girls all came in and peeked into the bathroom
Layla- you alright
Me- yeah
Macei- Alexa put on feelings playlist
Me- you guys know me so well
I said laughing a little
Mirah- omg she's smiling
Kam- wow
Angel- I haven't seen your smile in soo long that I forgot you had braces
Me- omg you guys are the best
Me- so I know you are all confused but I'm not pregnant
Mark- I thought you were going to tell Jaliyah first
Me- oh right can you go tell her I'm in here
Then him and Jaliyah got in
Jaliyah-so what's going on
Me-I'm not pregnant
Jaliyah-girl then why was you throwing up so much
Me- the doctor said I was almost pregnant but I have to start taking birth control immediately I I don't want to end up 18 and pregnant
Jaliyah-ohhhh ok so that's why you were showing signs
Then we joked some more all laughed harder as I got out the bathroom with the girls and all the boys were in the living room . I put on some black sweats and a red crop top and head down stairs to tell mark to come to the store with me
Me- bae
Mark turned his head and I saw his face turn and he got mad
Mark- really what are you wearing
Me- an outfit
He took off his shirt and put it on me
Jay- now why you did that to that girl
Mykel- man y'all toxic
Me- I know you you anit talking about toxic and me and mark have news
Me- I'm not pregnant
Mykel- stg
Jay-now I know you lying
Mac-you sure
Mark-yes but she was like halfway pregnant but now she on birth control
Mac-oh ok but me and Jaliyah have news
Mark- what y'all pregnant
Jaliyah-no lil boy but we leaving for a week with londyn
Me- oowwweee ima miss her
Mac- I know but it's only a week
Jaliyah- yeah y'all know my parents live all the way in Arizona
Mirah- right but when y'all leaving
Mac- now
The girls - Jaliyah why you ain't told us
Jaliyah- he wanted to tell y'all all together but y'all better not be acting a fool and y'all know the rules and if mirah and kam do something just let jay or their mom know
Me- I doubt it
Mac-ok love y'all bye
They said leaving and closing the door
Me- ok me and mark going get snacks what y'all want
Mark- it's getting late so just text us but fast
Everyone- ok
We leave out the door and go the store and get this

 I put on some black sweats and a red crop top and head down stairs to tell mark to come to the store with me Me- bae Mark turned his head and I saw his face turn and he got mad Mark- really what are you wearing Me- an outfit He took off his shirt...

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Let me stop this gettin long 😂 😘

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