Bad Situation

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Same night
I hear crying and sirens  back everything was black so I fell asleep again
I wake up and I see mark, and a nurse
Me: mark my head hurts
Mark: omg your up
Nurse: well your head hurts because you hit it while fainting
Me: why did I faint
Nurse: they're running tests right now to see what you might have
Me: ok
Then the nurse left out
Mark : you sure that's the only thing that hurts
Me: yeah besides my cramps coming back I'm glad I'm off tomorrow
Mark: huh never mind
Me: 😂
Mark: what
Me: baby did you cry
Mark: maybe
Then he got i the bed and we cuddled as everyone came in the room worried
Me: hey guys
Macei: why did you pass out
Me: their running tests to see why
Then I see kam's face it was sad and scared
Me: awww come here kam
Kam came to my and we hugged
Kam: are you sure your ok
Me: yeah
Then we all talked until the doctor came in and said she had the results
Doctor : so you were negative of me everything and the tests show you are healthy
Mark: so basically she passed out for nothing
Doctor : right her legs might have just gave up and when she fell she hit her head and passed out
Me: my legs do feel funny
Mark: but when can she be released
Doctor : as soon as we get an X-ray
Then I tried to move my leg and I screamed
Me: owwwww
Doctor : that shows we need as X-ray
Mark: you good yeah
Them everyone left besides mark and they did the X-ray
Doctor : oh no
Me: what
Doctor : you hit your leg and knocked the feeling out meaning that your leg is broken and when you hit it you did not feel it but you're sense of feeling in it is coming back
Me :oh ok
So a few hours later they put a cast on it and I was chilling in my hospital room while everyone was coming in
Me: hey guys
Mac: Guess who's back early
Jaliyah: omg what happened to my baby
Me: I broke my leg and didn't feel it
Jaliyah: wow
Macei: how
So I explained as mark packed my cloths and we headed back to the house

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