The Duty of a Brother

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Looking after Zenitsu really felt like a chore to Kaigaku at first. His master wasn't kidding when he mentioned the boy was sensitive.

It had been difficult to get the kid to warm up to him, let alone getting him to make eye contact without tearing up or flinching like someone suddenly shattered glass near him.

There had also been certain times where Zenitsu had dropped something or made a loud noise accidentally and started panicking and crying, silently he might add.

In an almost eerie sense, Zenitsu was constantly quiet. He had never spoken a single word to Kaigaku by himself. If Kaigaku asked him something, he would answer simply short and plain or just nod yes or shake his head no. The boy's voice was always rough and small most likely due to disuse.

Honestly, Kaigaku would be lying if he said it didn't bother him.

Those golden orbs were never without the fear hidden behind them. Something about those eyes caused a weird feeling to tug in his gut and made him wonder.

What happened to this kid to make him like this?

Kaigaku knew well that the life of orphans, like them, was never easy. He himself had been through a heck ton of crap.

But this kid... was scared into silence and submission.

He had his suspicions, but each made his stomach twist in disgust.

This is probably why their master hadn't started his training yet.

The more he thought about it, his chore started to feel like an obligation.

He tried to close the distance that Zenitsu always maintained between them.

However, every time he took a step forward the boy would shyly back away.


Kaigaku rounded a corner in the hallway a bit too fast. Before he could stop himself, he slammed  into the unfortunate raven haired tween. The duo tumbled onto the hard wood floor.

Kaigaku sat up with a groan. "Sorry Zenitsu. I should have known better than to run in the halls."

Silence was the only answer. He glanced at the younger boy with concern furrowing his eyebrows.

The boy in the yellow kimono was curled up on the floor with his hands on his head as if to protect himself from getting hurt further.

"Zen?" the teen asked, "Are you okay?"

Zenitsu flinched when Kaigaku gently placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, I'm not gonna hurt you. I just want to see if you're alright. Can you sit up for me?" He requested as he rubbed the kid's back soothingly.

Shakily, Zenitsu sat up with his face still turned toward the floor.

Reaching out slowly, Kaigaku raised the other boy's head. After checking for any injuries and not finding any, he released a tiny sigh of relief.

"Nothing hurts anywhere right?" he inquired while trying to make eye contact.

Zenitsu's cheeks puffed up rather adorably between Kaigaku's hands as if he was holding his breath. A few rogue tears slipped out as his small frame shook like a leaf.

The gold was screaming out in terror when Kaigaku glimpsed into them. He was afraid of him?

Concern contorted his face again. He knew that if he would leave, Zenitsu would just calm down on his own, but it didn't feel right to leave him there by himself.

Kaigaku didn't quite know what he was doing when he pulled the frightened kid close.

Zenitsu froze.

"Just breathe. You need to breathe, Zen," Kaigaku instructed in a whisper. "Can you feel my chest going up and down? Copy me."

Hesitantly, he was obeyed with shuddering breaths trying to match his own.

"There. You're doing it."

"Why did you help me?" Zenitsu's quiet quivering voice startled the older boy. "Why aren't you angry? Why aren't you and Master like everyone else?"

"You looked like you needed help. I'm not angry because I ran into you and that was my fault and not yours," Kaigaku answered in a slightly rushed way. "I'm not quite sure what you mean."

"People normally aren't as nice as you when I get in their way."

The teen in the black kimono swallowed hard knowing what that meant.

He hesitated before asking, "That's why you were afraid of me?"

He took the silence that echoed through the hall as his answer.

His embrace tightened around the- his little brother ever so slightly.

"I won't ever hurt you... Not on purpose anyway. If anyone tries, I'll make sure they'll regret it."

Kaigaku's eyes widened in surprise when he felt Zenitsu lean into his protection and return the hug.

The back of his kimono started to become a little damp as his brother cried into his shoulder. He couldn't bring himself to care.

A strange feeling pulsed in his chest when he realized that he had made Zenitsu feel safe enough to be openly vulnerable. Safe enough to show his emotions without getting hurt for it.

"Thank you... Aniki." Zenitsu whispered after he calmed down.

Kaigaku tried to hide the heat that crept to his face. It felt kind of nice to be called "big brother."

After a bit, he helped Zenitsu up and walked him to the kitchen.

"You're tiny," he explained. "Let's get you something to eat."

"Okay." Zenitsu replied. His lips quirked up to a small shy smile.

Kaigaku grinned back.


Protecting Zenitsu was more than an obligation now. It was his duty as an older brother.

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