When Teal Meets Gold

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"Now, young Kaigaku, if you have any respect or love for me, hear my words and take them to heart." His master stared intently into his teal eyes. "Life's rule is survival of the fittest. The strong survive and the weak perish. That is what the world taught you is it not?"

After a moment the boy with raven hair nodded.

"Well I say that is untrue!" Jigoro continues passionately, "I say it is the responsibility of the strong to protect the weak! That is what the Demon slayers do, yes? They kill the monsters that threaten the otherwise defenseless innocent. You understand, young Kaigaku?"

"Yes, Master."

"Good. Think on those words, boy. Don't forget them."


Kaigaku still pondered on those words even years later. After all he couldn't quite apply it to anything other than his mindset.

He drilled them into his head, yet he still had thoughts only for his own survival. He knew it was selfish and it angered him.

He wanted to become the next Thunder Hashira and make his master proud, but how could he if he was just a darn coward!

He grumbled and kicked a pebble out of his path. It skittered away into the shadows of the peach trees. He glanced up as he heard footsteps approaching.

"Ah. There you are Kaigaku."

Kaigaku's teal eyes landed on the old man who was his mentor.

"Master, I'm glad to see you returned safe." He bowed respectfully.

"Thank you my boy, but it is not like I just returned from battle or anything. I just went to town."

"Huh?" Kaigaku felt his cheeks heat up.

Jigoro chuckled, "Come now, I have someone for you to meet. And it wouldn't kill you to smile every once in a while."

"Yes, Master." The pink on his cheeks receded only slightly.

Master and student walked together in silence for a moment.

"Kaigaku," the former Thunder Hashira broke the quiet. "The one I brought with me, he will be my second student."

The dark haired boy looked at Jigoro in surprise.

"Another student? Am I not good enough?" he thought in worry.

"Quite the contrary. Either one of you would be quite strong by yourselves," his master replied. Right. The old man could hear his thoughts. "But together you would be a force to be reckoned with! The most powerful demons would tremble at the mention of the two of you."

"But that," Jigoro continued, "Will only become a reality if the two of you share a bond as close as brothers. I should warn you, the boy is quite sensitive. You would do well to be kind to him."

"Forgive me, Master. How should a brother act? I never met one." Kaigaku asked curiously.

"Hmm. That is not your fault. There are different roles a brother could play, but in your case, being the elder, you would treat your younger brother with care and love and protect him from anything that should threaten his wellbeing."

When they entered the building, Kaigaku was surprised to find a smaller dark haired boy, perhaps two years younger than him, sitting on the floor glancing around with wide wonder-filled golden eyes. The boy's shoes were scuffed and his clothes, face and hands were smudged with dirt.

"Zenitsu," Jigoro called to the boy. The boy jumped and stood at the sound of his name.

"Yes, Master," he spoke timidly with his eyes trained on the floor.

"It's alright boy. You can look at me," the old man coaxed gently.

Golden eyes hesitantly flicked up at them.

"This is Kaigaku, your fellow student."

Kaigaku bowed respectfully as he was taught by his master.

"Kaigaku, this is Zenitsu Agatsuma."

The boy, Zenitsu, bowed in return albeit a little more exaggerated.

Then teal eyes met gold.

Kaigaku's gaze softened as he was reminded of when he was younger. He saw the need in the kid's eyes. The need for a home, for care, for protection.

So this boy is going to be his little brother? So be it.

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