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Zenitsu rested against a peach tree.

It was kind of strange to him how at peace he felt. It was only a tree, yet it was comforting.

It was strong enough to lean on. It provided shelter. He could hide in the branches if he was scared. He could eat the fruit if he was hungry. The sounds were soothing too. He cherished the melody of the wind rustling its leaves and the harmony of the happy tree growing, the song of life. It was one of his favorites.

He was alone as well, but he was alright with that. With solitude came the lack of negative sounds that he is often surrounded with. Bitter and sour sounds grated on his ears uncomfortably back where he used to live.

Here, under the peach tree, he felt safe. Safe from toxic sounds and cruel people.

The twisted environment that he used to live in, he supposed, was why he was so afraid of his new master and older brother.

His master and Kaigaku were kind people. They had always been compassionate to him.


"Go and starve to death or something, useless dirt!"

Just as the hand released his hair a foot connected with his back. He gasped for breath after he hit the ground. He heard the door of the orphanage slam shut behind him.

Zenitsu lay there in the dust for a minute or so, simply trying to gain control of his uneven breathing.

He didn't even know if he should be panicked or relieved. Part of him wanted to get as far away from the building that broadcasted venomous sounds as possible. Another part was terrified that his provision was taken away. He could starve like the warden said.

Slowly, he pushed himself to his feet and spun in a circle. He had nowhere to go.

"But I want to get away from here."

So he closed his eyes and ran as fast as he could. He was sure he ran faster than he ever had in his life.

The air whistled as it rushed past his ears. Adrenaline pumped through his veins like electricity in a circuit. He channeled all of that energy into his legs.

The sounds faded into the distance till all he could hear was his own breath and his own heartbeat. Still he ran.

He was extremely far from the village he never really called home when at last his legs gave out.

A pained groan escaped his lips when he fell on the side of the road.

He didn't have the strength to even move. His eyes drifted shut as exhaustion took hold.

"Hello? Are you alright young man?" a gruff voice called him back to consciousness with a few taps to his forehead.

Blearily, Zenitsu opened his eyes and was greeted with the harsh sun of the afternoon as well as a strange short old man with a walking stick.

A frigid shard of fear struck his upper back. The cold seeped into the rest of him.

He instantly sat up and backed away... or that's what he wanted to do.

His arms still lacked the strength to push himself up so he instead covered his face with them.

"Hmm. You don't look too good," the old man spoke again. "Can't even get up can you?"

Some more footsteps walked over to join the old man.

"What happened here, sir?" a more soft masculine voice asked.

"I'm not quite sure," came the reply, "I just found him here."

"Is he alright?"

"It seems he is too weak to move. Poor boy. Do you mind helping me get him to the town perhaps?"

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