Excalibur Arthur x reader

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(your a princess from another kindom and you and your friends 6 other girls. You are to marry the kings of the warring kingdom so that peace can be restored. You girls clearly don't want... But you still listen to your parents and go to the meet up with the 7 kings )

Hello my name is Y/N Princess from the Storm kingdom. Apparently my father the king wants me to marry the king of Rain. Who was one of our worst enemys.

But now that I'm old enough my father want me to marry him. I'm not the only one who will get in an arranged marriage my 6 best friends will marry the other kings of their kingdom.

We all are on our way to the meet up where we of course meet the kings. On one side I don't want to get married on the other side I'm curious which of the kings I'm going to marry.

"hey y/n. Who do you thing will get the most handsome?" I looked up in confusion "what do you mean? That doesn't matter... I mean he can look good but does he threat you well too?" i asked and saw that she now thing about it. "no.. Your right." i smiled slightly and looked back outside. //when will we be there? Will they be friendly? What if they don't threat us good.? What if they hate us? // those thoughts run through my head the whole ride to the castle...

"Welcome" said a friendly voice and I looked at the direction where the voice was coming from. "thank you" i smiled at the older lady "you must be y/n right?" she smiled "yes ma'am" "good then follow me please king Arthur awaits you in the garden lounge" i nodded and followed her. //ok so we're not meeting them together... Instead we're going to meet them each on alone. That makes me nervous // When we got outside I was very surprised. I had never seen such a beautiful garden. Not many flowers can grow here because of the frequent rain, but here it seems to be different. Everything is so colorful and lively. I continued to look around in amazement. However, I noticed that the old lady had stopped. "so you need to go up there" she showed to a small building near the lake. "ok thank you" "no need to thank me it's my job" she said and made her way back into the castle. I took a deep breath and looked if my dress was ok one last time before i made my way to the small but beautiful decorated building.

I got up the stairs and my eyes went big.

There was a neatly set tabel with food and everything was amazing decorated with flowers and other things.

"wow" i let out a whisper.

"I'm glad you like it" a deep voice said. I turned around and got even more shocked. He looked so handsome how?

"I apologize for scaring you. My name is King Arthur but Arthur is enough" he smiled warmly "and you must be y/n right?" "yes" i bowed and than smiled "good now did you eat lunch today?" "no i didn't had the timeto eat" he nodded and guided me to the tabel where he helpt me sit //a gentleman?// and then sat himself down at the other side of the tabel. We began to eat and talked.

After a time we knew a lot more about each other. And surprisingly I felt safe and comfortable with him.

We stayed after the lunch till the sun went down. //he's really nice. I wouldn't have thought that// i smiled while thinking this.

"you seem to be comfortable." "yeah i am. And the first time in my life I feel really safe" i didn't look away from the sunset.

"your father told me that your not smileing often but now you are smiling the whole time as I noticed" I nodded. He stood up and held his hand out to me. "come we should go inside in the night it's not safe to stay outside." I took his hand and stood up. Then we went inside the castle.

When we got inside Arthur showed me my room or rather our room. "In the closet are new clothes for you. Take whatever you want and whatever you feel comfortable with and change for the dinner. I'll wait in front of thr door." He said smiled at me and went outside of the room. I smiled back and went to the to the closet. I saw a beautiful simple dress and took it out.

 I saw a beautiful simple dress and took it out

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It looked good and i felt really comfortable.

I went outside and saw him with his back to the door. "Arthur?" "yes?" he turned around and stop saying anything and just looked at me.

"you look beautiful" he smiled and we went to dinner.

After dinner we went back to the room he said he needed to do something and will be back as soon as possible. I changed into sleeping clothes

 I changed into sleeping clothes

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But I had a bad feeling. So I went looking for him.

I walked down the hallway he went earlier and heard loud banging noise. I slowly walked towards the door where the noise came from. And looked inside.

What i saw shooked me a man tryed to kill Arthur. "Ha now i can take the crown" the man laughed. "you'll never take the crown as long as I live.!" Arthur shouted.

I was shooked but knew what i had to do. Both of them had their swords. I looked around and found another sword. I took it and crept behind the unknown. //now i know why my dad wanted me to learn how to fight. Thanks dad// no one of them noticed me luckily. "your alone. You can't win" the unknown laughed. Now was my time.

"you sure he's alone?" i asked and the man quickly turned around in shook. "what? Wait your the daughter of.... No that can't be.. Your enemies!!" he shouted. i laughted "So you know who i am? Great so you know you shouldn't mess with me." he nodded and let his sword fall on the ground. In the meantime soldiers came and took im into his sell.

"your unbelievable" arthur laughted and kissed me. At first i was frozen in shook but not for long and returned the kiss.
"your too" i smiled after the kiss. He leaned his head against mine and closed his eyes.

"I'm glad my dad arranged this marriage. I love you Arthur." he looked at me with big eyes but then smiled brighter then everything I've ever seen.

"I love you too"

I hope you like it.

Please look up Kingdom they are amazing 🥺❤️

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