Ascension Dann x reader

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Dann x Y/N (reader)
This is my second short story so please be
I know everyone of us is sad at the moment
because of Chiwoo but I think we need to
look in the future. !'ll still write for him cause
I think he desevse it.
And l'll support him and the others no
matter what will happen
Anyway enjoy the first story for Dann.
Hope yall like it:)
do not repost any of my work!!

Slightly suggestive at the end but not really ..


The King.... Yeah everyone has a crush on him or his firends but I can't blame them they are all good looking...but as a normal Villager you don't have much chance to get seen...Anyway I got the chance to work at the palace, what i didn't knew was what I would work but I needed the money so yeah..

"Hello!" a cheerful voice said I looked around and saw the man that gave me the chance to work here. I bowed and greeted back "oh you don't need to bow infront of me. it's ok" I gave him a smile and then the Princess came in, we both bowed and greeted her, she smiled at us and slightly bowed back //shes pretty... not like me..// i thought.

After she left again the man turned to me "So first my name is Taeyun and you'll be the new personal asssistent of the King" My face droped "wait why me?" I asked, He smiled "I think your perfect for the job, since with the kig you won't really have something to do except for being with him during the day, in case that he needs something.

Plus your pretty so he won't have a Problem with you working with him. by the way he wants us to live on the palace grounds. I'll show you your house so you know where your belongings from your home will be braught later." I nodded still to stunned to speak. Taehyun laught. "Now come I'll show you around so you know where everything is." I walked with him while he showed me everything I needed to know.

Till he stopped and gridded his teeth. I looked in the direction where he was looking and saw the King and The Princess and it made click in my head. I laid a hand on his shoulder "I think we should go... I know how you feel... please." I said softly, Taehyun looked at me his eyes immediatly soften "Sorry...." He said looking down now "Hey its fine. now come. we should go." He nodded and we went to see the rest of the Palace grounds. .........

3rd Person view:

What they didn't knew was that the King had watched them the whole time and for some reason he felt his anger brun up inside him. He left the Princess standing there with the excuse that he still had to do something importent. The Princess smiled at him and nodded.

Dann followed you both to see what Taehyun was doing with you. What you didn't know or noticed was that The King Dann had laid his eyes on you for quite a while now. Which was why he ordered Taehyun to get you to the Palace. But he still loved the Princess. You were here for your protection so no one could harm you.

He didn't knew why he felt so attracted to you. He just saw you in the village and watched you all the time he could, he even forgot the Princess a few times.

But now his attention was on Taehyun who was very close to you, a little bit too much for the kings liking. It made him angry. Not at you but at Taehyun. Dann knew that Taehyun had already grown a liking in the Princess from being her guard and being with her all the time for her protection.

But he couldn't let you slip into Taehyuns arms when he wanted you more then anything else.

He didn't understand why he felt like that thought.

But he had to accept it. After he saw that Taehyun left you he approched you.

"Hello?" He was trying to sound nice even tought he was still anrgy. You got a little scared and turned around a little too fast which lead you to stumble and fall. But the excpected pain didn't come. You felt two arms hold you and bring you up again. You slowly opend your eyes but itsently blushed because you face was just a few inches away from Dann's.

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