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𝗝𝗼𝘀𝗶𝗮𝗵 𝗣𝗢𝗩: 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗡𝗲𝘅𝘁 𝗗𝗮𝘆

"I'm fine" I said looking at the camera then smiled "See? It was just ah lil throw up prolly from eatin that pickle and Cool whip" I suggested and nodded my head.

"...ight then" Nehemiah sighed, he was worried about my cause I threw up earlier "Imma come by tonight and sleep over" He said bendin down to get sumn.

"What time?"

"Ion kno yet I gotta drop I gotta do" He said makin me frown "Ion like you goin to those, Youn answer the phone enough" I said lookin and he mumbled something.

"Imma be fine, don't worry about me" He shook his head "How can I not? Imma good bf I gotta worry" I scratched my head.

"You right" He laughed "Well I'm boutta leave get some sleep you look like you tired" He said and nodded making a kissy face.

"I love youuuuu" I dragged "Love you too" He said and I hung up the phone and laid down. I turned too Gravity falls, before dropping my remote and watching the tv.

I kept dozing off so I finally closed my eyes and went tf to sleep.

"Josiah" Somebody knocked on my door and then came in. That's the thing I'm not a heavy ass sleeper, I sleep good but when somebody in my room I wake right up.

"Yeah?" I rubbed my eyes and looked at the person seeing it was Cory with a bag in his hand "Can you do sumn wit me?" He asked and I sat up.

"Depends on what it is" I said and he mugged me "Take ah pregnancy test wit me?" He asked and my eyebrows shot up "you pregnant?" I asked.

He looked around "Yeah sumn like dat" He shrugged and I sighed and got up "Yeahhhh I guess" I sat up and he handed me two test and one for himself.

"Why I gotta take two? Ian prego" I laughed and he shrugged "Just take one then fuck" He said walking into the bathroom. I waited for ah lil while and heard the toilet flushing and the water running.

I stood up and Cory came out putting the test on a paper towel on my dresser.

I walked in the bathroom and pulled my pants down sittin on the toilet and peed onna stick.

This ain't unusual cause Cory did this when ever he had a pregnancy scare. He did it wit Ivy too and me being the good brother I am i took one with him.

I put the cap back onna stick and washed my hands walking out and setting it on the nightstand beside Cory's.

"You set the timer?" I asked and he nodded his head then I sat back down and looked at him "What you gone name yo baby?" I asked and he bussed out laughin "What you gone— ion kno yet" He shrugged changing the sentence.

"Name him Nahmir" I smiled and he shook his head "Nawwww" He laughed.

"Josiah yo dad wanted to—No" I shook my head "ion wanna see him or meet him Im good" I frowned.

My dad has always been trying to meet up with me and I didn't want anything to do with him. If he wanna act like he ain't want me as a child I'm finna show him that he don't gotta worry bout me.

"Josiah all I'm saying is atleast talk to him, you don't have to want him to be in your life but atleast get closure" Cory explained and I shrugged "I'll think about it" I looked down moving my toes around.

"Sooooo what online school you going too?" He asked "The one down here, I might have to do a few classes in school because I have to have tattoo practice but I should be fine" I nodded my head.

"Good! That great" He nodded his head and the timer went off.

"You wanna check yours i mean you the pregnant one" I laughed nudging him and he rolled his eyes and got up checkin his and he dropped his mouth opened and then looked at it even closer.

"Oh hellll nawwww!" He said and gave it to me "You readin what I'm readin right?" He asked and I nodded seeing the words "pregnant" written on the test.

"Yayyyyy!! I get another niece or nephew" I hugged him and he started crying "Noooooo, this is messiah fault he kept talkin bout havin another child" He sniffed and I laughed.

"Cory shut up" I rolled my eyes and walked over to my test pickin it up "Atleast— omg what is dat?" I said and looked at it "Cory this test say I'm pregnant!" I said.

"Cory this trippin and no way" I said gettin ready to cry "Josiah" He sighed and I shook my head "But we were so careful howwwww..." I cried and thought about messiah.

"Messiah gone be so disappointed!" I cried even more and Cory shook his head "Me and messiah already knew he ain't disappointed in you" Cory said giving me a hug.

"What I'm gone do wit ah baby?"

"Ion kno uhhh take care of it?" Cory said and I pushed him "Your not funny" I mugged him and he started laughing while I wiped my face.

"Why don't you start by tellin Nehemiah you know...the father?" He said and I nodded.

"I just wanna go to sleep" I walked to my bed and got under the covers "Jojo we'll love you and support you through everything ok?" Corey kissed my forehead and I nodded my head.

"Thank you" I said lookin at the test on my dresser, he walked off and closed my room door.

I put my hands on my stomach "how Da hell" I sighed and looked over as the test. Even though I said I was sleepy I couldn't sleep.

So I waited for Nehemiah to come back over.

𝖨𝗆 𝖿𝗂𝗇𝗇𝖺 𝖼𝗈𝗆𝖾 𝗎𝗉 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗌𝗍𝖺𝗂𝗋𝗌 𝗂𝗆 𝗍𝗋𝗒𝗇𝖺 𝗀𝖾𝗍 𝗌𝗈𝗆𝖾 𝖿𝗈𝗈𝖽 𝖿𝗂𝗋𝗌𝗍 𝗍𝗁𝗈🙂

𝗠𝘆 𝗕𝗮𝗯𝘆:

I paced back and forth and turned once I heard the door opened "This chicken good asf" Nehemiah said takin his shoes of then turned ta me with a drumstick in his hand "You want one?" He asked and I shook my head.

"You always hungry, what's wrong?" He asked and I frowned "Promise you won't be mad?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Couldn't be mad at you if I tried" He mumbled and I laughed ah lil "Hea" I grabbed the test and gave it to him "Who's is this?" He scrunched his face up.

"It's mines" I mumbled and look down making him look at me "Siah you pregnant?" He asked and I nodded my head.

"Shit" He cursed "I'm sorry come hea" He opened his arms and I hugged him tears rollin down my face "Josiah look at me" He said and then grabbed my chin tilting it.

"I got us Aight?" He said and I nodded "We gone be good" He kissed my forehead and we rocked back and forth.

"Now you want some chicken?" He asked holding it up and I laughed and nodded my head.

"Yes please"


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