I've been seeing your comments about the Karter and Julian book and let me just say this.Stop being rude about it.
(Not everyone has been rude, I've had some nice people in my dms, and my message board telling me to take my time and for those people I appreciate y'all❤️)
I know I have a book to write, and I love the support but constantly reminding me and even being rude about it is not going to make the book come even faster.
I just got done writing a book, I'm only one person not to mention I have a job, school, cheer, and a book to write and I'm only 16.
I get that you guys really want the book, like I said I love the support, but I have to have a plot, characters and etc and rushing me to make a book is not good because in my writing I like it to make sense and to not be "corny" so I like taking my time.
I admit I've been putting it off but I promise I've been trying to figure out where I want to take this book, I have started chapters and I would like to rack them up before I start publishing so you guys do not have to wait.
So I would really appreciate it if you guys would just be patient with me.
Thank you.