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Karter Pov:

"Your not going to come back though" I frowned crossing my arms and Julian sighed "I am coming back I'm just staying down there for summer and I'll be right back"Julian sighed giving me a hug.

"You better or I'm gonna have my brother whoop your dad" I said and he chuckled "whatever, you wanna watch a scary movie?"

"You know I don't like scary movies Julian" I crossed my arms and Josiah came in with the baby "What yall doing?" He asked "nevermind I don't care, but Julian your moms coming to get you in an hour or two" He finished his sentence and i pouted.

Julian was going with his mother for the summer, apparently they were just going to stay with his grandma because her mom missed them or whatever. He promised he would be back.

Julian put his hand on his forehead sighing when he seen my face "Please I just got him to stop doing this" He hugged me again "Well dang my fault" He walked out burping the baby.

"It's just the summer time Karter stop" He mugged me and I smacked my lips hitting him "don't tell me what to do" I sat down on my bed "We can watch a scary movie"

He put on one and we sat and watched it until we weren't and we just fell asleep. Julian's birthday had just passed and he was now 8, mines was just around the corner so we can't even celebrate mine with me.

By the time we woke up his dad was downstairs loud talking with my brother. His dad was leaving because of his work basically, but he was gonna come back too.

"Julian, your dads here." I frowned and he yawned stretching his body before sitting up too "Okay." He mumbled wiping his eyes, he never liked waking up it took him a few minutes to defrost.

"You promise you coming back?" I asked and he looked at me and my pinkie "What I tell you— Promise." I cut him off and he smacked his lips before pinky promising me.

"Alright" I got up walking to my door and Julian walked behind me before standing there "Come on" I looked at him confused and he pulled me into a hug for a long time and I smiled hugging him back.

"I'm gone miss you just a little bit" He joked and i giggled "whatever your gonna miss me a lot"

We looked at each other for a while before I broke it because Julian's dad screamed his name making me jump.

"JULIAN!! Bring yo bad ass on!" He yelled making me laugh "Youn gotta do all that yelling old man" Julian said making his way to the stairs while I followed close behind going a little slower since my legs weren't that long.

"Who old?" Fazo asked "You-Put me down!!" Julian was upside down and getting faked dropped while my brother was laughing.

My niece was sitting there laughing too she was 1 month old now and her cheeks were fat so we started calling her fluffy.

"Hi Leyah." I held her hand while she gripped it since Josiah was holding her. Adaleyah almost never cried she only did when she was hungry like seriously she only cries when she is it's crazy.

"Alright yall we finna head out for his mama be tripping and shit." Fazo rolled his eyes.

"Ight man imma miss you" My brother dapped him up and "Bye Fazo it was nice having you in our family keep us updated alright?" Josiah gave him a hug "Fasho, and make sure my goddaughter ain't dumb like this Nigga" he pointed at my brother and he smacked him in the back of his head.

"Shut up for we disown you, ion een kno what made me make you the godfather, slow ass" My brother mumbled the last part and Fazo mugged him.

"Nigga I—" his phone started ringing and he picked it up "Girl I just told you I'm coming....I'm already in the car!" He said into the phone "You gone what?... Aw that's what I thought steady trippin" He pushed the phone away from him a little bit and whispered "aight family I gotta go come on Julian" Fazo said and Nemo laughed.

"Bye" I hugged Julian again "Bye, I left something for you in yo room" he told me "where?" I asked while he walked off "you gotta find it shawty I don't remember where I put it." He shrugged.

"What woman! I told you I'm coming damn" Fazo waved closing the door and I sighed "You aight?" Nemo asked me and I nodded my head "it's just for the summer they'll be back." I frowned.

Nemo and Josiah looked at each other with a confused look on their face "What?" I asked and they frowned "who told you they were leaving for just the summer?" Josiah asked.


"Oh lord."

"What?" I asked and Nemo sat me on the counter "They not just leaving for the summer Karter." He told me and I frowned.

"So how long are they leaving for?" I asked.

"Till Julian's junior year... they wanted him too—"

Everything that my brother was saying was zoned out as I thought about Julian coming back for his third high school year. Why would he lie to me?

"Did Julian know?" I asked as tears were starting to come down "I'm pretty sure he did.." My brother said and I frowned even more wiping my eyes and sniffing.

"Why'd he lie to me?"

"Probably because he didn't want you to do what your doing now" Josiah said putting a hand on my shoulder and I sighed "I'm going back to sleep now Bubby" I said and he nodded kissing my forhead.

"Alright lil bro"

I walked up the stairs and seen the toy he had accidentally left on my bed. I was angry at him, why would he lie to me? He could've just told me the truth.

I threw the toy in a corner of my room and laid down in my bed, I laid there for a couple of minutes before throwing my pillow off my bed. I don't even like pillows but Julian did so I kept them on.

I tried laying back down before seeing there was a letter on my bed on the front it was signed:
From, Julian. To: Karter.

I thought about opening it but he lied to me I didn't care about the letter. I walked over to my desk opened one of the drawer and throwing the letter in there closing it and going back to my bed before falling back asleep.

Hiiiii. I know I know I'm so sorry. I've just been busy and stuff and don't be having any motivation to write but I swear I'm getting it together lol😂

Also I've got a plan for Karter and Julian so y'all should except a book from them!

This book almost ending I'm kinda sad because I like my progress and thinking about how much I could've gave up but I didn't.

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