Φ Prologue Φ

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It was a bright night around the streets of Paris, The city lights continued to lighten up the area, beautifully accentuating it with a shiny tint of yellow hue thay went through every building, making the city look glamourous as the night went on

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It was a bright night around the streets of Paris, The city lights continued to lighten up the area, beautifully accentuating it with a shiny tint of yellow hue thay went through every building, making the city look glamourous as the night went on.

A boy with H/C hair and S/C skin was seen walking around the streets holding a cup of Hot Chocolate. He was currently wearing a Black pea coat along with Black skinny jeans and a pair of neat brown ankle boots. He was just strolling around the city of lights, looking for interesting things to do, something fun, unique or pleasant.

After searching for those things, He eventually gave up and has decided to take a quick little break on a random bench near the park where a perfect view for the nightsky was in sight.

??? P.O.V

'I've been here countless times and yet, This City never ceases to amaze me-' He was pulled out of his thoughts by his phone ringing. He took his phone out of his pocket then looked at the caller ID before his eyes widened in surprise.

'Hmm.. This is strange, Why is he calling me..' He uttered in thought before answering the call.

??? | P |: "Hello Y/N?" A deep masculine voice of a man spoke through the cellular phone.

Y/N | P |: "Hello Mr. Dojima, If I may, I'd like to ask.. Why are you calling me? I mean.. You've never done this before.. So what's up?" You said as he chuckled through the phone.

The both of you took a minute or two catching up with things that you've missed with each other. You talked about your time travelling around the globe, from Japan to other countries such as Bangkok, Thailand; New York City and many more, While he talked about managing Totsuki Resort. speaking of Totsuki resort....

Dojima | P |: "Anyways Y/N-" He started but went quiet until you spoke.

Y/N | P |: "Hm? What? Don't go silent on me, Bossman" You said before he began speaking again.

Dojima | P |:"Senzaemon-dono has asked me to bring you back to the Academy, The training camp for the first-years is currently taking place as we speak." He said as it piqued your interest.

Y/N | P |: "Mr. Dojima, First of all, I'm a second year, I can't participate with this Training camp, Second, I'm not interested.. I don't see any purpose of me coming back.. It'll be troublesome.." You said making him sigh in frustration.

Dojima | P |: "Bare with me Y/N, You are a second year, meaning you can't take part with anything related to the camp, Unfortunately for you, I'm the one put in charge, So I can make exceptions.. Second of all, You are the Seat Zero.. The highest amongst the Council of Ten.. There are first years here who look up to you.. You'll be requested to make an appearance sooner or later, Anyways.. My suggestion is just come back as soon as you can, so you can have all the time in world." He argued as you groaned in annoyance and defeat.

Y/N | P |: "You know, Travelling from Paris to Tokyo is a hassle, right?.. But Fine, I accept.. I'll be in Japan before you even know it.. I know you won't give up until you get what you want, So me arguing back would be pointless.." You said making him chuckle in joy.

Dojima | P |: "Glad to know you've agreed.. I'll be waiting for your arrival.. The camp is at the resort if you still remember it.." He said before you hummed in agreement and eventually hanged up.

'These damn first-years better be worth it.. Cuz' I really hate this..' You said in your thoughts while walking towards your apartment building.

You've finally arrived in front of the building where your appartment was, You entered it and immediately entered your room, took a shower, packed some essentials for your homecoming. Then you booked your flight for tomorrow to Japan which takes almost 12 hours, Then got ready for bed, After settling in, You let out a comfortable sigh as you slowly but surely began falling asleep.

Mr. Dojima P.O.V

'Brace yourselves first-years, The [ Alias ] is coming.. It'll be one heck of a surprise.'  He said  in his thoughts while making another call to a certain someone.

Dojima | P |: "Hello? Senzaemon-dono?" He asked through the phone

Senzaemon | P |: "Gin, Im assuming he's declined the request?"

Dojima | P |: "Actually, Its quite the opposite of that." He replied as both him and the director had a smirk on their faces. They then talked about some other things before ending their conversation.

"Well, that's all the news I have for you at the moment, Please do send my regards to Lady Erina, Have a nice day." He said before hanging up.

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A/N: That concludes the Prologue of this book, Please take it easy on any errors/mistakes I make, Cause I assure you they weren't on purpose. See ya at chapter 1!

- Yuen

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