.:Chapter 24:.

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The cats were baffled by the tornado. Silverstar was frightened for what was next and what the fate of her new cousins would be. Would StarClan let them perish? Or let I instead?

Moonpaw waddled over. "Silverstar."

Silverstar looked at her.

"I know the prophecy." She whispered.

Silverstars eyes widened. How? Moonpaw nodded.

"I know most of us won't make it." She began. "But we can always try."

Silverstar nodded. She had already lost many of her warriors and kits.

"Okay!" Snowblaze got every ones attention. "We have lived through and Tornado and will push forward, we lost lots of cats but we will live on!"

The cats in the cave cheered until they were cut off but Deathpaw emerging.

Deathpaw! Silverstar leaped down in front of him.

"Greetings sister." He smiled. "Long time no see."

"Ive come baring a message for Silverstar." He told the bristling Snowblaze.

What! Silverstar glared at him.

"StarClan grieves the losses but knows you can win. StoneClan with thrive once again and you will be granted what you truly deserve."

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