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Kita thought it would be best to meet the team before practice but I got a little caught up with having to meet other people that I'm now about 30 minutes late and practice already started.

Fuck, Kita is gonna be mad at me.

I was too lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize someone was in front of me and ran into them . 'Why the hell for a this keep happening to me? Do you hate me God?'

I rubbed my face is slight pain and looked to see that I ran into a tall guy that was looking down at the floor with.. weird bangs? What kind of bangs are those?

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard him speak "Tch, watch where you're going next time." And then he looked at my face and slightly flushed "Oh shit, never mind. Are you okay?"

'What the hell... first he insults me and then decides to help?! Make up your mind pussy hair!'

But I brushed away the thought not wanting to make myself look bad and replied with a small smile "Oh don't worry! I'm fine, thank you!"

"Mmm, okay." He replied with a small yawn. "If you need anything tell me, oh my names Suna Rintaro by the way." Then he turned around and started to walk away.

'Wait.. isn't he from the volleyball club?'

I quickly called out to him hoping that we could walk to the gym together so Kita wouldn't be as angry with me just going in alone. "Wait Suna! I'm Y/n Akaashi! The new manager!" With that he stopped walking and turned around, facing me. "I was hoping we could walk to the gym together!"

He stayed silent but then answered "Sure." Then turned back around and started walking.

I had a big wide smile on my face as I caught up to him, "Thank you Suna!"

He just nodded and slightly flushed "I guess Atsumu was right.." he mumbled low enough so I wouldn't hear.

Now here I am, standing in front of Kita with my head hanging low as he stared down at me as I was waiting to get scolded for being late

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Now here I am, standing in front of Kita with my head hanging low as he stared down at me as I was waiting to get scolded for being late.

'God, this is so embarrassing' I thought as I could feel the other volleyball members staring.
'This is so not a good first impression, how uncool.'

"I'm sorry for being late, Kita! I promise it won't happen again!" I yelled out a little big louder than intended as my head was still hanging low. "It's just that, some students wanted to tell me something so I got caught up.."

There was an awkward silence and all I could think is how badly I wanted to get this over with to save myself from the embarrassment.
Instead of hearing the loud scolding that I was expecting, instead a felt a pat on my head.
I looked up to see Kita with a small smile on his face.
"It's fine, just don't let this happen again alright?"

As I stood there a little shocked, I quickly nodded in agreement with a smile on my face. "Now that-that's over with, introduce yourself please." He said motioning to the team.

The team was in a trance but quickly got out of it as they didn't want to be the one getting the scolding instead and quickly introduced themselves.

First two to introduce themselves were the twins, "Hey there Y/n-Chan! It's me Atsumu the better twin!" He said as he walked up to me and put his hand under mined and lifted it up high "I was right, you really are beautifu-"

But then got cut off when he got smacked behind the head, letting go of your hand. "Yer really going to introduce yourself with a lie?" His twin told him "Anyways ignore him I'M the better twin, he's just a big fat liar."

Before Atsumu could say something back he got cut off "Enough you two, you guys literally give me a headache." Someone said as he came up behind the twins and held them from behind their shirt "I'm Aran by the way. Nice to meet you" he said while giving you a kind eye-closed smile.

You then remember something and put ur pointer finger up, "Oh! You're the one who usually gets told to do laps in the group chat by Kita right?"

Aran stood there a little shocked and then got slightly sad 'Is this really how she remembers me? How embarrassing.' He mentally thought as he tried to ignore the rest of team trying to hide their laughter.

You then met the rest of the team who weren't in the group chat and fell in love.
Oh this is going to be so much fun!

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