Cat and Mouse

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The rest of the night Steve is in his motel room, he grabbed a piece of paper. He writing, wondering where and what happened to Rachel. He knows hydra experimented on her, it's how she is still alive, much like him and Bucky. He needed answers though, Bucky was told she died when he was captured. Why wasn't she in Zoloff's lab when he got Bucky and the other's out where was she back than. How did the entire unit get captured and only she was the one missing, pronounced dead but really she was alive. He needed to come up with a plan, he started by going online, he was searching up all the known Serpent Squad attacks in Europe. They even had giving her a name Diamondback, she had the power of poisoning to put a person in a trance and killing them. Bucky had told him about some of Rachel's side effects back when the army gave her the serum, they where still working out the kinks of it all. She was there guine pig, before they perfected the serum. Steve knew she could electric shock others, he found more online, she could make people see things. One victim told the papers she made him see things that weren't even in front of him. The man who was 55 said that she got into his mind, telling him what to do. That she said she could read his mind, and make him forget everything. Steve realize she had the power to compel anyone to believe what she wanted them too, and forget what she wanted as well. He stayed up all night, marking every attack he could find in the past 5 years, there wasn't many. He even found at one point her name was now Rachel Leighton, instead of barnes. He figured she changed it or maybe whoever control the Serpent Squad played a part in everything she was doing. Steve was thinking, trying to remember anything about the attack they had witness in Prague. He remembered very little, he wondered if he was close enough to her that she was able to wipe memories of that night from his mind.

Steve gave it a break for a while, he lied on the bed, he wanted the nightmares from the war and Rachel dying to stop. He managed to fall asleep for a couple hours again. He was dreaming of Brooklyn, and the three of them together, how Rachel always had away of trouble finding her. How one time a girl in her school got mad at her, making her life hell, all cause some boy liked Rachel and not the other girl. How she came home in tears. Everyone picked on her, she was covered in mud all the girls in school gained up on her. She looked at Steve and Bucky in the dream,"I didn't do anything, I don't even like him, I like someone else and they tripped in the the mud threw food at me."

Steve jumped up out of his dream, he was sitting in the bed, he thought that has got to be it. He looks at the time and said fuck it. Leaving his room he heads to Sam's to talk. Sam opens the door Steve is just pacing back and forth.

"She is trapped, ganged up on in the Serpent Squad and she can't get out. She thinks there's no one there to help her. She probably thinks Bucky and I are long gone."

"She who? Steve look its 3:30am, and where in some motel just outside of Munich I don't know who your talking about. Steve I need some sleep."

"Rachel or Diamondback that's what she being called. They are calling her a super villain, Sam it's not her. Trouble just finds her it always has and she thinks Bucky and I long dead and gone. We where the ones who would protect her."

"Steve, you can't tell me she has no idea your alive, your Captain America, Bucky was all over the news around the world as The Winter Soldier. Unless she's been living under a rock for years. Trust me she knows your alive she has too."

"Not unless, the Serpent Squad is controlling her mind, like hydra did to Bucky, remember he didn't know who he was or I was."

"Steve I looked into the Serpent Squad, someone name King Cobra runs them. It says he was at one point and agent of Shield, Cap Diamondback I mean Rachel, she was a shield agent she went missing before you came out of the ice."

"What, that means Fury knows exactly who she is, why wouldn't he have said anything."

"I don't know, but I found more King Cobra he broke away from Shield, he got Rachel out of there, turns out Shield had been experimenting on her for decades. They where trying to make her more powerful over the years. Steve Peggy Carter was involved with finding Rachel during the war. She was under shields custody once they found her. That's all I could find out."

"What Peggy, she wouldn't have hurt her ever. I just I need to find her. I wish I could remember more from Prague." he said.

Than is hit him, she saw him she smiled at Steve. He with Bucky had come to help the older couple trying to stop her. She looked him straight in the face, she knew who he was, that he was alive. She didn't run to Steve asking for help at all. She didn't even look shocked to know he was alive and ok. She just gave him that smirk eye rolling smile she always give him.

"Hello Steve long time no see, I'll be going now, like you always said I'm a magnet for trouble." she said.

"Stop Rach I can help you this isn't you at all."

"Oh Steve you never get tired of trying to rescue me, come closer I need to tell you something, she grabbed his hands, you want to help me this time we are going play a little cat and mouse game, let's see if you can find me."she compelled him just a little so he would only remembering so much.

Than out of nowhere she was gone. He had no idea how or where at all. Steve was back in out of his trance of remembering Prague. He was still in Sam's room.

"Steve what do you remember?"

"She wants to play one of her old games, the attacks for the past few years, those where clues she been leaving them everywhere, she was trying to make me see her and find her. We got put the attack together, see how they are connected. We got digging to do Sam. Just get some sleep tomorrow we start. Find Vision and Wanda we are all leaving her in the morning."

Steve went back to his room and stay up the rest of the night, he was going start playing her cat and mouse game and for once he was going to win.

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