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"Steve, you can't be serious, you want to go talk to Nick Fury. We are risking getting caught for this criminal."
"Nat, Sam she's not a criminal, I know her this isn't her."
"So your going go fine Fury and ask him what?"
"Sam I want to know what happened to her, I have to save her ok, she is in danger."
"Steve she left Shield as an agent, she left with King Cobra willingly."
"Nat, you worked closely with Fury, you worked for shield, did you know about Rachel and this Cobra guy."
Nat just looked at Steve and Sam she didn't know how they react more how Steve would take the news."
"Look Steve, when I worked for shield I found out a lot of secrets, secrets that are better left dead ok."
"Left dead Nat, tell me what do you know."
"Rachel she was experimented on during the war, you know that, what you didn't know and I found out was that Peggy Carter she struck a deal with hydra, she gave up Rachel to keep you safe from hydra."
"What, Peggy wouldn't have ever don't that, no."
"Steve when Bucky's unit was captured by hydra, Rachel was sent to with them as part of a deal, hydra already knew about you and your experiment being a success, there was an agent of there's the day you where given the serum right."
"Yes I chased him and he got away, so how did they know about Rachel."
"I looked into shield files years ago, I heard there was this agent she had special powers and they where trying make her stronger. I found all of her files, it said Peggy Carter made a deal keep the super soldier safe, the glitched soldier hydra could have her dead or alive."
"No why would she do that to her?"
"Rachel, Steve I spoke to her when she was with shield, what they where doing to her. She told me she had a family once, that she gave her life for them once. She knew about the deal when I mentioned Agent Carter to her."
"If hydra had Rachel, how did she end up at shield decades later."
"When you went in the ice, they had found her in the hydra base somewhere, they took her back than. They had Zoloft, he was was the one experimenting on her for shield, until he died, than Dr. Cobra took over eventually."
"Nat get Wanda and Vision back here now! I'm going to have a meeting with Fury today!"
"Steve I think that's a bad idea still, but we will head to meet Fury."
Wanda and Vision get back to the jet, they head for Nick Fury's hide out. Somewhere in out skirts of Prague is where Fury is hiding out for now. He and agent hill are keeping a low profile still. The jet lands and Steve tells the others to stay hidden it's safer for them. Sam goes with Steve. They walk into and cabin just on the lake out in the middle of nowhere, it's nice big cabin. More looked for a family instead of Nick Fury. Nick comes out on the front porch when he saw Steve and Sam coming.
"You really don't get the art of staying hidden from the world do you Cap?"
"Fury, if I didn't want you to see me you wouldn't have, you need to answer some questions for me."
"Go head Cap, ask away I'm sure your asking about Diamondback or as you knew her Rachel Barnes. I know about what happened in Prague when you and Bucky crossed paths with her."
"How the hell do you know about that Nick!"
He was glaring at Nick, and refusing to take his lies. Sam just listened to what they spoke about.
"Cap I know a lot more than you realize, I knew you and Bucky knew her, she talked about you both a lot when she worked for shield."
"What happened to her, why is she like this now, that's not her. She is the first to help anyone not hurt them. What did shield do to her, did you know Peggy was involved in what happened to Rachel."
"Look what I know, is how it all started, sit down I'll tell you what I know."
"Rachel Barnes she was hand picked by Howard Stark himself, when you where trying to enlist in the army Steve you failed to see she was trying to become a nurse in the war. Like you she wanted to help. Stark saw something in her a fighter between him Agent Carter and Colonel Phillips they all agreed she would be the first experiment. They told her she was accepted into a special unit of nurses for the war. She couldn't tell anyone, when she got to the New Jersey army base they spoke to her."
"What did they want with her?"
"They wanted to make her stronger, telling her she was chosen for a special mission. It was her choice, she was worried about you and Barnes. She said you where all family and stick together."
"They gave her the serum they gave me right?"
"No they gave her a similar one, it was special they knew it would give her some powers if it worked right. Steve the side effects as Rachel called it back than was exactly what they wanted her to become, they lied to her."
"How is she still alive, how did she get part of shield what did you do to her!"
"Come down Cap, when you went into the ice, she was in the Red Skull and hydra base you took down. She was told Barnes died or so they thought, she was told about you, when she learned you went into the ice Cap she snapped, her powers where going out of control, so they froze her."
"It was you, you unfroze her. Why is she like this now?"
"When we unfroze her she remembered losing you, losing Bucky all over again, we had lock her up and control her. I put a guy in charge of working with her, thinking Dr. Cobra could help her. He experimented on her trying give her a few more powers, what I didn't know back than was hydra was part of shield. Cobra as he now is call King Cobra, he was working under Alexander Pierce's orders, what they did to Bucky, he was doing to Rachel too.
"Why didn't I ever see her in shield headquarters? I could have helped her?"
"I needed you where I needed you Cap, on the Avengers and the task at hand than was taking down hydra and the winter soldier."
"When King Cobra figured out Pierce was up too, he left, he wanted to form his own army against the world. Rachel was his first successful experiment to turn into a killing machine. When he left he drugged Rachel and fled we couldn't find him for years."
"What did he do to her to make her like this than?"
"Steve, Sam he made up his own different types of serums. Steve the girl you knew she's still in there somewhere, when she heard of Peggy Carter's death, she went to funeral. She saw you than. This Diamondback side of her hasn't completely wiped out Rachel Barnes."
"Do you know where she is now than?"
"Last I heard King Cobra, he made his own army The Serpent Squad, he experimented on all of them, for the most part they hide out in Milan Italy.  They are out mostly out at night time and their attack are at random."
"Than Sam where going to Italy, tell Nat and the others."
"Steve we are walking into the lions den there, what if she can't be saved than what?"
"Sam I have known her my entire, I know her, it's my fault this all happened to her. If I had stopped trying to enlist in the war back than she could have had a normal life the one she always dreamed of as a kid. I will get her back even if I have to face off the the entire Serpent Squad myself."
Sam and Steve headed back to the Quinn jet. Steve told them they where heading for Italy that Europe was where they where going spend time hiding out. That they would get there and lay low for a a while till the next time they got word of Rachel planning some attack. When that happened Steve's plan was ambush her and take her. He knew it wouldn't be easy it was going to be hard. He just didn't know how much pain it would cause him and how much hurt he had caused Rachel.

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