Chapter 9

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Only one more week until Scott would join me in our cottage. I started to love the farm. I mainly loved the horses but cows and chickens are just as good.
I was going to go to the fish market today. It was only a mile away so it wouldn't be to long to walk. I started down the trail.
When I reached the fish market. The man there said "Hadn't seen ya in za town lately" he had a very Irish accent. "yes I am new I would like one salmon and two cod please" I anwsered. "course ef ate pleases mam" he said back. He handed me the fish and told me to come back soon. When I left with my basket of fish I was pleased with how nice he was I haven't seen nice since forever the only one nice to me was Scott. I missed having company with me I hoped Scott would be here soon. I imagined the time we spent together. I missed him.

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