Chapter 16

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The next day I said goodbye to the old woman and Ferrara. They wanted to go with me to make sure I was safe but I insisted not to make them go through that for me.
After I said goodbye i was hugging Ferrara and she pressed something into my hand "keep" she struggled. I wanted to cry it was her favorite playing piece. Then I said goodbye once more and started my way down the trail I ran a few weeks ago.
Halfway back I took out a bagel the old woman had gave me and bit into it. I was getting thristy so I got out my water bottle took a big gulp and put it back in.
I started to jog down the path when suddenly I was struck with fear and sadness. I needed Scott and he needed me I wasn't going to run away. I turned back and ran faster than I have ever ran before. I ran straight past the old woman's house and right back to Scott.

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