Ice Fog

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(All right, who put the little white snow bunny in the city of chaos?)

(Bonus: His voice!)

Name: Aisu

Module Name: Ice Fog

Birthday: November 28

Pronouns: He/him

Sexuality: Asexual (he's a little boy, give him a break)

Likes: Snow, hot chocolate, having fun

Dislikes: Being hated, being alone

Strengths: Innocent, pure, helpful

Weaknesses: Naive, often confused, a bad liar


- Ciel: The two of them have a lot in common, although Aisu can't see Soleil directly.  Aisu is gradually teaching Ciel the beauty of winter.

- Thorned Rose: Often teased by him.  Aisu really doesn't know why Ayasaki has it out for him.  Maybe it's because he's an oni.  As we all know, fire and ice don't mix...

Quote from his song/Favorite quote: "See, I told you!  So don't go anywhere, okay?"  (It's simple, but he's that sort of person.)

Background: Aisu was not very good in school.  His mother was often disappointed in him for his bad grades and lack of friends, and started to say that she was going to go away if he didn't get better.  Aisu was terrified at this, so the next year, he lied to her, telling her that he was good at school and sports now, and had a lot of friends.  Secretly though, Aisu was terrified that she would eventually find out that he was lying and go away.

When winter came, Aisu was at a total loss.  He started to cry in front of a snowman some of his classmates had built.  To his surprise, the snowman heard his wish and came to life, becoming the snow spirit Yukito.  Yukito asked Aisu what was wrong, and Aisu replied "I lied to my mom".  Yukito told Aisu that he could tell him everything, but in the end, Yukito couldn't provide the comfort that Aisu needed.

Finally, Yukito told Aisu that all he needed to do was turn his lies into truths.  Aisu ran and got his classmates, who he started to get to know better.  He also started working harder in school and at sports, and before long, his lies were almost a reality.  Aisu hugged his mom, telling her that he wasn't lying, so she shouldn't go anywhere.  Another lie, but a white lie like snow.  When Aisu went back to thank Yukito, though, he was gone, and all that was left was a melted snowman.

(He came back, though...But that's another story)

Fun Facts:

- Aisu is peculiarly cold-resistant, so when things get too crazy in the complex, he just hides in the fridge.

- He really likes the movie Frozen.  His favorite character is Olaf, of course.

- He loves his mom.  A lot.  He often writes letters to her.

Module in action:

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