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Tutoring hasn't been going well at all. I've been giving him lessons for three days straight now and we've barely learned anything. He keeps getting distracted or trying to change the conversation, and he's said the words "I'm sorry" at least 500 times now. I'm pissed because what the hell am I supposed to do when he continues to fail Mazzara's class?

"Wait, so you're tutoring him but he's making it difficult?" Violet makes sure over the phone, trying to keep up. I've basically told her everything that's been happening here.

"Yup. He's not even putting in any effort and it's really annoying!" I rant.

"I think he just feels bad for what he did to you."

"I know he feels bad but that's not what we were talking about! If I wanted to talk about all the ways he hurt me I would have."

No response.

"Violet?" I ask.

No response.

I remove my phone from my ear and mentally face palm myself.

"Damnit," I groan, reaching for the charger behind my bed.

"What happened?" Kourtney asks.

"My phone died in the middle of my conversation." I reply, plugging in my phone and placing it on the nightstand.

"Well, now I have nothing to do so do you wanna go out?" I wonder, in hopes of finding something to do.

"I never don't want that." Kourtney replies, getting off her bed and into her closet. It's silent for the next few minutes while I wait for Kourtney to change, until I hear a knock on my door.

I get up from my bed and a huge smile grows on my face when I see who it is.

"Gina!" I squeal, wrapping my arms around her.

"Hey chica, long time no see!" Gina replies. I pull away from the hug and drag her inside my dorm room.

"Me and my roommate Kourtney are going out for a bit in a few, wanna come with?" I ask.

"Uh, duh!"  She beamed. Ugh, I missed her so much.

A few minutes later Kourtney comes out of the bathroom and looks very confused.

"Who are you?" She asks, looking at Gina.

"I am the greatest person you will ever meet. But I go by Gina." She jokes, earning a laugh from Kourtney.

"I'm Kourtney." She introduces, and then the two of them get into a conversation.


We were about to walk out of the building when I hear someone's voice from behind us.

"Gina?" The voice asks.

We all turn around and see Ej standing there with a big smile on his face.

"Ej!" Gina squeals, running up to him and hugging him.

"I missed you!" Ej lifts her up in the air so that her legs wrap around his torso.

"I missed you more!" Gina argues, resting her head in the crook of his neck.

Seeing Ej and Gina hold each other in this position gives me memories from my first date with Ricky.

His hands move to my lower thighs, hoisting me up so that I'm straddling him in the air.

"Um, hello? Lovebirds? Yeah, there are two very single people standing over here." Kourtney complains, causing Ej to put Gina back down on the ground.

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