Chapter 12

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Lavender sighed for the tenth time within last 15 minutes. She can't focus on her work. Hell! She can't focus on anything that matter.
From last few days all she does was crying and acting like she had fever infront of her family as a cover.

Family...even that thought made her tear up, its too much for her to handle.

She never visited Felicia next day, or the days after. Even if she was so curious to know more, she held herself back. She was so afraid to find about her truth. All of her life, she believed this was her home and suddenly she was an outsider possibly from the other world. How insane is that.

It was broken for you Lavender!

That line itself haunting her as a nightmare for days. The portal that protects this world is broken for her sake... Who is she then!

May be the witch was lying!
But deep inside Lavender knows the truth but she refused to accept it.

Is her real parents are out there? Did Felicia know about them? She doesn't want to find out. She prohibits herself from confronting her so called parents.

She is Lavender, daughter of Brian and Jenny, Little sister of Tylor! Member of Shadow crack pack. Thats it!

Ahm.! It will be good if you just do your job properly instead of day dreaming.

She turned to face Aiden and simply nods her head at him before getting back on work.
She can see from his expression that he didn't expect that. Well she usually have some witty comebacks but not today.
He open his mouth like he wants to tell something but abruptly close it and stormed out of the library after giving her a strange look.




Lavender smiled while listening to their yellings.

Tylor is leaving today for visiting neighbouring packs with Aiden and Gabriel. Since there is only two more weeks for their official ceremony. It is a tradition for the new leaders to have blessings from the other Alphas, Betas and Gammas. It helps to keep a strong bond between the packs.

It also means that Tylor is going to miss her birthday on next week.

Lave...Just come downstairs your favourite brother is leaving!!

You are my only brother Tylor!
She yelled back at him.
Why he have to be this dramatic?!

Her brother's strong embrace welcomed her as she reach down. She breathed his scent while melting into the embrace.

Am sorry for missing your birthday munchkin... We are having another celebration as soon as I'm back okey!

She nods at his promise. And hold back the tears that runs to fill her eyes.. She hates to make her brother feel more guilty for missing out on her special day.

They walked to the packhouse then.
Even though it is not a custom that all of the members should be present for farewelling the future leaders, most of the pack members were present at the pack house to see them off.

Lavender can see Amanda and Margaret in the crowd. She really feels bad for avoiding them for days. They do deserves an explanation.
She waves awkwardly at them which they responds happily. Lavender released a deep breath which she don't even know she was holding. Thank goodness! they are not mad at her.

Advanced happy birthday Lave.. Gabriel hugged her when she reach close by.
Thanks Gabe! Please look after my odiot brother for me.

Oh don't worry I will! Gabriel smiled while ruffling her hair.

She avoided Aiden altogether but this time its not because of hatred. There is something she can't put her finger on.

As her parents leave for some pack discussion with Alpha and Luna, she made herself walks towards her friends after the departure.

Let's go somewhere alone!
Amanda dragged them towards her home without waiting for any second.

Lavender fidget her fingers nervously as she sat at Amanda's living room. She don't have any idea about how they gonna take it. Did they still wants to keep friendship with her after the news? She was so damn much afraid of their reactions.

Just spill it Lave! Margeret exclaimed impatiently.

Then there were tears in her eyes, then she was crying while hugging her bestfriends, telling them everything.

They hugged her tightly. Silently promising their moral support.

She can do this!

To be continued...

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