Chapter 10

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They found a sconce at the wall filled with candles and a matchbox as they reached the door. Looks like there is no electricity inside.

Lavender felt herself shivering because of the anticipation. She slowly put the key inside, she held her breath as the key made a total three clicks while rotating in an anti-clockwise direction.
She can feel the slight rust inside, If her grandmother was right its been almost two decades since the basement has opened, its been closed from then.
She wondered what made them open it before twenty years.

As she heared the click, knowing that the lock was unlocked, she tried to open the door with both of her hands.
Amanda and Margaret joined the pushing seeing she was failing.

The door opened with a creek as they applied more force.

Three of them stand there, open mouthed.

It is bigger than their library. And If their Library has three floores, the basement had five.! There are similar looking sconces all over, and to their surprise all of them has fire inside, how they managed to make that happen? Didn't the fire extinguish?

They slowly moved in, holding each others hands. The whole room smell like old books. Toxicating!

Since they don't have any time to snoop around, they get straight to their task.

As they descend the stairs they came to know that, each floor is dedicated for a specific supernatural.
The ground floor is all about warewolves, as the first is other shape shifters, second is fairies, third is vampires, and fourth is Witches.

Lavender midly think about to check fifth floor, but she was too engrossed to know about the witches that she let that slip.

The fourth floor has eight huge bookshelves. Each contain particular headings.

Black witches
White witches

In each shelves other than the printed books, there were journals, undoubtedly scripts from their ancestors.

They light the candle from sconces and put it at a table after taking a huge book from the shelf of white witches. They sat together on the bench pressing with each other for a close examination.

Then, Amanda began to read the introduction.

White witches are considered to be pure spirits. Unlike the black witches they have inborn powers which acquired as a blessing. They can practice witchcraft from the tender age of five itself.

The use their magic for good deeds like helping or saving others.

They are popular for keeping their promises and they choose peace over power.

They are also considered to be a good guide and mentor along with a great companion and listener.

Even if they are blessed, they are not as strong as black witches, since they don't perform any kind of rituals or sacrifices that cause harm to the innocents.

Witches are generally awarded with beauty and grace, contrary to the popular rumors about them being ugly and old.
But white witches have a divine kind of beauty different from enchanting beauty of black witches.

One can possibly feel an aura of comfort and safety from them.

They don't like to leave their clan unless it is absolute necessary. They believes in private life and priorities.

Transforming to the form of a white witch in the only thing a black witch is incapable of.

They also don't transfer their powers to their children as they demise. For them each have a particular power blessed by the moon.

They only mate with their own kind, they don't belive in the concept of half soul and a mate fixed by fate.

Amanda finished reading while releasing a huge breath..
Margaret and Lavender were in a trance untill then. So there are indeed two types of witch and looks like the bad ones are black. How cliche.

The other contents of the book is filled with the origin, and other detailed descriptions about them.

They got what they needed, Felicia is indeed a pure spirit and Lavender can connect all the dots with experiences she felt at her presence.

Shit shit shit.. Lave its almost time, we have to go back! Margaret  screeched.

But they yet have to find about the invisible portal and how Felicia crossed it. Seems like she have to ask her herself! Lavender get up reluctantly.

As they were departing urgently, Lavender had a strange pull towards the section of magical spells, she urgently take a book from them, ignoring Amanda's lectures. Its not like the Alpha will find about the missing book, there are probably more than 200 books on that particular shelf itself!

They arrange everything back to normal before running out of the basement after locking the door, towards the library.

They close the opening after placing the table above that.

Lavender carefully place the spell book inside her backpack.

Suddenly there was a huge bang on the door which made them jumped, Thank Moon goddess! They were on time!

Margaret moved to open the door, facing Tylor and Will.

They eyed three of them suspiciously,
As the trio were sweating from both adrenaline and the adventure they just performed.

Amanda happily run into the arms of her mate Will.

You can hug me if you are feeling lonely sweet cheeks!

Lavender groaned hearing that whisper directed to Margaret.

Stop flirting with my bestfriend Tylor!!

Her brother just winked at her in return after giving his famous grin.

Margaret just rolled her eyes, being used to his flirty behaviour.

So care to explain why you guys looks like you just finished a marathon?

Will questioned removing himself from the hug.

We were running around the library!

We played Hide and seek!

We were practicing some fighting moves!

Three of them answered simultaneously. Shit!

I mean we just run, play and fight you know! Lavender explained with a forced smile, when she received doubtful expression from the guys.

Much to their surprise strangely they take their explanation and decide to accept it! It's not like the guys could imagine what's happening. Even Lave can't believe that they get into the secret basement.

Good afternoon guys, It was Oliver her fellow colleague entered the library for his afternoon shift and greeted them with his presence that made the awkwardness to slip away

All of them wished him back before Lavender handed him the keys and passed some necessary information for the day.

Her shift is over!

Let's grab some lunch Lave. Tylor pulled her wrist, taking her with him to the nearby restaurant as the rest followed them.

Just a few more hours...
She can't wait to meet Felicia!.

To be continued...

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