nineteen. | and found.

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My eyes dart around. What happened? Where... What's going on?

I look around, orienting myself. It's my room. It's my room in our house in Sherwood.

I'm back.

I clutch my chest. Beating. But it can't beat, I just died. I just died. I shake my head, feeling a rising scream. Not again. I can't do this any longer. I can't. I can't! I grab my pillow and scream into it until I lose my voice, my sanity long gone.

I can't do this again. I can't watch Veronica suffer. I can't sit in that field and die again. I can't watch one of us descend into madness and feel powerless to truly stop it. I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't-

Why am I back?

I scream again.

"Y/n!" I hear my dad yell. The door slams open, and there he is.

"D-Dad, I-"

"What the hell do you think you're doing, yelling this early?" I feel fear wash over me. I scramble to my feet.

"I'm sorry, I just-" He scoffs.

"Don't pull that on me." He glares. I cower.

"Sorry, dad."

"Now get to school," he warns. I nod obediently. He tosses my keys on my desk and leaves the room, slamming the door.

School? As in, Westerburg?

This is my first day at Westerburg, I realize. I whip open the curtains. Sunny. Peaceful. I retreat to my closest, grabbing clothes at random and getting ready to change so I can leave the house.

My jacket's back. I slip it on. All my belongings are mine again. What the hell happened? I head downstairs, avoiding the kitchen and immediately walking outside. My bike's here. I get on, then realize something. My clothes smell like mine. My life is normal, or as normal as it was before I died.

God, what's going on?

I start to drive to Westerburg, trying my hardest to figure out why I'm trapped here again. This is when I first came here. I feel an intense sense of deja vu, and I'm pretty sure it's because this is what had happened. I'm really back. I get off the bike, hurrying into the school in a blind panic.

As I pass people, all I can think is that I tried to kill them. That they're so blissfully unaware that I have blood on my hands. They don't know me. They never knew me in the first place. They never will unless I tell them.

"Watch it, weirdo," someone says as I pass. I ignore him. Kurt Kelly. I run away. This is where I'll find something to make sense of everything. That's what happened last time. Everything made sense here. As much sense as there was, at least.

"Hey, watch it," a familiar drawl says to me as I run into a person. Heather Chandler. I apologize profusely.

"I'm sorry-"

"Ugh, fuck off, new kid." I think to dart past her, but I linger for a second longer to apologize.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't watching where I was..." I trail off, my eyes darting around to her friends. My gaze lingers on a coffee-coloured head of hair, watching as those gorgeous dark brown eyes meet mine. She's here. The girl who walked into my life and changed me. Her mouth forms my name.

"Y/n...," she says softly.

"Veronica." It's like a sigh drawn out of me as I say her name. We exmamine each other. She excuses herself from the Heathers, then grabs my arm, pulling me out of the school, hurrying me around to the back.

Our Love is God // Veronica Sawyer x Reader (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now