Day 4 : Kitchen + quote

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It was Sunday, Akaashi was cutting up a broccoli into small pieces for lunch. Bokuto was looking for a piece of pork in the freezer that would be enough for both of them.

Akaashi put the small pieces into the sink when a dark turquoise worm landed in the sink next to the piece he had just put in. Akaashi turned white and dropped all the rest of the broccoli into the sink and screamed.


Bokuto jumped up and went near his boyfriend.

- What's going on?

- A wOrM! Squeaked Akaashi pointing to the sink.

- A worm?


- Okay calm down Ji, I'll throw it away.

Akaashi went to the other sink and washed his hands with soap. Bokuto, after taking a torn piece from the pork packaging, which he had finally found in the meantime, took the worm on it.

- Do you want it?

- No, don't cOME NEAR ME! Screamed Akaashi by backing up against the kitchen counter as much as possible.

- Pfft- th-that's harm- hahaha- harmless! Said Bokuto going near Akaashi, holding his belly with one hand, laughing hard. The black haired boy took a spatula and ran to the dining table and stood up on it.

- DON'T COME NEAR ME. Otherwise I'll ask for the divorce!

- Well, I'm safe, we're not married. Yet. Manages to say Bokuto despite his laughter.

- KŌTARŌ! ThRoW tHaT sHiT!

- It's harmless! Said Bokuto, moving a little further towards Akaashi.


- But I'm going to the window!

Akaashi held up the spatula in front of him, holding it with both hands, retreating his body as much as possible. Bokuto's laughter became more uncontrollable.

- Be careful not to fall backwards Keiji. Bokuto opened the window and shook the piece of the packaging, then closed the window to go to the paper bin.

- Show me the wrapping.

- I threw it away princess. Said Bokuto, with a smile on his face, pointing to Akaashi.

- I'm not a princess. Grumbled Akaashi.

- Of course. Come on. Said Bokuto, catching Akaashi to bring him down after throwing the packaging. I guess I have to wash and cook the broccoli?

- I'll never touch it again.

Bokuto burst out laughing and kissed Akaashi. He embraced the younger boy and leaned his forehead on Akaashi's.

- Hey babe?

- What? I can see that you're stealing from me again?

- What?

- First my heart, then my shirt. What's next? My last name?

- I mean... if you want to...

- What?

- What?

Akaashi was deep red. He hid his face on Bokuto's chest.

- Nothing. Forget it.

- Nope. Come on. Let's hurry up make lunch. Can you cut the pork into small pieces. Preferably without cutting your fingers. And I'll prepare it.

- Tell me right now that I don't cook well.

- Not that you don't cook well, but you don't cook at all. Said Bokuto, booping Akaashi's nose with his own.

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