~Chapter 7~

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She jolted awake when a yowl sounded from the clearing of the camp. She unsheathed her claws but sheathed them again when she realized the yowl was just summoning her to the clearing.

Lyla stretched before padding out into the clearing. It was barely dawn, the air still chilly. Lyla knew that it was the end of Autumn and soon they would have to face the harsh days of Winter.

She spotted Alpha standing in the middle of the prey pile. He had a solemn look on his face, but Lyla could tell he was still filled with grief because his tail was drooping sadly behind him.

Lyla pricked her ears, her stomach growling ravenously. She stopped before the prey pile, sitting down and curling her tail around her paws. The rest of the Tribe walked up glumly and sat around the pile.

"Yesterday, we lost an honorable cat." Alpha began, his voice surprisingly steady. "We have lost Beta, Sunshine. The bravest Beta anyone could ask for, and the strongest. She will be missed greatly." Alpha bowed his head with respect and sorrow as he continued. Then he raised his head proudly as he said, "In honor of her, we will bury the best prey in this pile to show how much she meant to us!"

Caterwauls of approval and respect rang out among the small group of cats. Lyla joined in, but couldn't help but feel a reluctance.

The best prey in the pile? Lyla thought with skepticism. But she didn't argue because she guessed that this was a Tribe tradition.

Alpha looked through the pile with great care, looking for the best prey piece.

Lyla thought it was obvious. The baby boar that Blizzard and Frost caught was the prize prey of the hunt they had done yesterday. Alpha picked the baby boar up between his jaws, he even struggled with it. But he slowly walked over to the entrance of the tunnel and the Tribe followed gravely.

Once they were out in the forest, Alpha scanned the trees and found the perfect tree. Lyla saw he picked a young, strong oak tree. The sun shined through the branches as it rose.

Alpha trotted up to it, and dipped his head to the tree. He set down the baby boar to the side and started digging up soil, making a hole big enough for the boar. He beckoned with his tail for Night to help him, and Night loped forward without hesitation.

Once the hole was big enough for the boar, Night picked the baby boar up and passed it over to Alpha. Alpha took it by the extra skin behind its head and gently placed it in the hole. They then started putting dirt back on top of the dead boar. Night finished the last bit then dipped his head until his nose was touching the top of the mound of dirt.

Lyla dipped her head along with the rest of her packmates, her heart pounded with deep respect and grief. Alpha bowed his head and touched his nose to the dirt mound as well. Lyla knew they were standing there for a while but she lost track of time.

When Alpha finally straightened, it was almost midday. Lyla just realized that her stomach had been howling with hunger the whole time. She straightened up, barely withstanding the hunger that was eating her stomach.

"It is time to bury Beta." Alpha meowed, his voice low and barely audible.

They all went back to camp to find Beta's body. Branch and Stripe stepped forward to help carry Beta to her burial place.

"We will bury her under this baby oak tree over here." Alpha mewed, his voice cracking with sorrow as he gestured with his muzzle over to a baby oak tree near Alpha's den.

Stripe and Branch picked up Beta's body and held her in between them. Her paws dragged on the grass limply, making it harder for Stripe and Branch to carry her to the place. Their muscles were working hard as they struggled over to the oak.

Rabbit was already digging a hole for Beta's body, Omega was helping her as well. Rabbit's ears were pinned back with horror. As they finally laid Beta's body down beside the hole. Alpha stepped up and started grooming Beta's wounds and pelt. He made her fur look nice before picking her up by the scruff. He gently lowered her down in the hole, and started putting dirt back over her body. Omega and Rabbit helped him, their tails drooping as dirt covered her beautiful fur.

As they finished, Alpha dipped his head to the dirt pile. "Thank you for your service." He whispered.

The rest of the Tribe chorused the same words. They didn't stand there as long.

Alpha turned around and faced his loyal tribemates with solemnity.

Lyla noticed with disgust that Thunder, Spot, and Fawn were all standing away from the group. She also realized that they hadn't dipped their heads with respect when they needed to. Lyla shook her head at them.

"According to Tribe tradition, we have to appoint a new Beta." Alpha's strong mew rang out across the clearing, his tail held high. "We will hold a challenge for she-cats to enter. Any she-cat can enter this challenge. You don't have to but you can if you want the chance to become the next Beta. The challenge is a fighting competition. I will organize it so you will fight against other cats and whoever wins this competition will become the next Beta! Hopefully, whoever becomes the next Beta will honor Sunshine." Alpha explained, his voice dropping a little at his last sentence.

Lyla's head spun with excitement as she took in his words. Should I enter the competition? Lyla questioned herself, but then shook her head. No, I like my rank right now.

"But first, we will rest and eat. The competition will take place tomorrow at dawn, so be ready if you are entering." Alpha continued before padding to the prey pile.

I wonder who will become the next Beta? Lyla pondered as she waited her turn patiently to eat. 

Tribe of Cats: The Troubling Menace~Book 1Where stories live. Discover now