It's Bed Time Darling!

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I thrashed around on the chair I've been sitting on shouting for help hoping that someone could here me from the outside.  I kept on moving and screaming which made the chains on my body clang together and made a lot of noise, I didn't care about the noise until the door to the room slowly creaked opened.

 In came the man I wish that I could never again.....Deku. 

The sick bastard who had kidnapped me because  he fell in love with me and didn't want others around me. He only want him to get my love and attention. I looked at him giving him a nasty glare.   

"Oh, darling why do you have to be so loud, you know I'm trying to sleep." Deku said as he came closer towards me. I started to move around more trying to back away from him.

He raised his hands to his sleepy eyes rubbing them, "If you want to stay up all night that's fine but I don't . You're being very inconsiderate you know." 

"How am I being inconsiderate when your the one that kidnapped me. I even lost count of how long I've been here. There's no windows so I can't tell when It's morning or night and you don't let me out of the room unless it's necessary!" I shouted at him with anger.

"I have to punish and consider it...but I don't want to do that you know because I love you right...but" He sighed rubbing his temple.

"I have a big day tomorrow and I don't want to wake up tired just because you decided you wanted to keep me up, okay. I already told you no one's coming, no one's gonna get here because I love you too much and I took to many precautions to let them near you okay? So stop. It's annoying." Deku told me, gripping my chin forcing me to look at him. I looked into his greens eyes which looked dead serious.

I forcefully turned my head away not wanting to look at his sick face. He sighed and stood back up, "You know if you gonna keep doing that maybe I have to give you that sleep medicine."

I quickly turned my head back to him and thrashed around more aggressively, "Please no!" I pleaded to him hoping he won't give me the sleep medicine.   

"I know, I know you don't like the sleep medicine but it's what you need to go to sleep because if your just gonna keep thrashing around and keeping me up and I can't have that then I'm just gonna have to do it mhm." He said slightly aggressive.

 I quickly stop thrashing around. Every time he forces me to take the sleep medicine I become drossy and sleepy, unable to control my body. He takes that opportunity to cuddle with me or sleep with me and I always wake up with a bad headache.

"Although I know it gives you a headache when you wake up....I don't want to put you through that" He said in a low voice tucking a loose strand of my curly/straight hair behind my ears and bring his face closer to mine looking into my e/c eyes.

He then quickly stood back up taking his face away from mine and removing his hands from my cheek, "You know what um I know I- I'll get you to sleep the old-fashion way." 

I looked at him confused, the old-fashion way? 

"I'll- I'll tell you a bedtime story okay? Yeah that's what I'll do" He giggled. What am I 5? If he things that a bedtime story gonna make me sleep then he's completely lost it.

He stopped giggling and looked at me kinda serious, "Hey, I'm- I'm gonna get you off the chair, I'm gonna unchain you so you could sit on my lap okay? If you move..." He leaned down to my level and whispered into my ear, "There's gonna be consequences okay?"

My eyes' widen in fear, what would he do if I moved? I slowly nodded my head not wanting to  keeping him waiting any longer. 

"Okay," Deku then started taking the chains off of me. After he took the chains off my wrist I was about to grab them because of how badly they hurt. But doing that caused Deku to look up at me with a stern face, "Don't move darling." 

He finally took the chains off me and stood back up. I looked down at my wrist and they were sore. Properly from when I was moving around a lot. I looked up more to my upper arm and saw that there was marks left by the chain and there were marks on my ankle as well which hurt like hell. 

I felt strong arms wrapped under my feet and behind my back. I was then lifted off the chair and was now in Deku's lap who was now sitting on the chair. I sat their uncomfortable with the position we were in, I didn't want to be so close to him. 

He wrapped his hands around my waist and smiled, "There you go, comfy?" I just nodded my head. "Okay, what story or we gonna read?" He asked himself. His eyes then light up, "I know, I'll make one up."   

 "Once upon a time, there was my darling and her amazing wonderful....boyfriend," He giggle at what he said liking the idea of him being my boyfriend. "Me that's me Deku, decided to show how much he loved her and and take his darling away from everything and anything that could possibly hurt her. So that's exactly what Deku did. But you know what? Deku's darling wasn't grateful. She was always complaining and always screaming saying she wanted to go she wanted to go and that hurt Deku's feelings really bad. So you know what Deku did?" 

"W-what did Deku do?" I asked scared of what the answer would be.

He looked at me with a creepy smile and when I say creepy I mean CREEPY, "Well, Deku gagged his darling," I looked at him with terror in my eyes, He...wouldn't actually do that....right? 

"He didn't want to but he had no other choice. And then Deku's darling started acting up and night, keeping him up by thrashing around and acting all loud really kind of made him angry but you know what? Guess what." Deku was now being even more creep as he went into the story. I opened my mouth to speak but I just couldn't get a word out. 

"Deku had a remedy for that. Deku's gonna go and find all the friends of his darling," Deku then leaned into my ears  with a devilish smirk and his eyes looked crazy. "And do very bad things to them.

My eyes widen in fear and tears started to fall down my s/c cheeks. If he's really gonna do that that means that Bakugo, Todoroki, Mina, Kirishima, Uraraka, Denki and everyone from my class are going to get hurt or even killed. 

I slowly turned my head to look at him. I want to scream at him, telling him how crazy and how he could he thing of doing that to our classmates but that look on his face shut down all my confidence that I had. He looked like a psychopath.

"You don't want that to happen to you," I hang my head and shacked it. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no we don't, that be awful right." I nodded my head. "Yeah, that would be terrible. So what do you think Deku's darling is gonna do?"

"I'm going to stop thrashing around and behave myself." I answered his question with my head still hanged. I didn't want to look at him while saying that sentence.  

"Exactly! Good you'll go to sleep right? Because the story could really become a reality you know, dreams can always come true." Deku then started giggling. He then hugged me and started kissing me cheek, "Oh I love you so much."

Deku stopped kissing my cheek and looked at me, "Your so good you know........Okay. So you're gonna stay put and not move right? You're gonna be good for me huh?" I nodded my head, my eyes had no emotion in them there was no point in trying to escape anymore. I do that then he's going to kill all my friends. 

"Good super good for Deku, super good for Deku. Yes you are. Okay~ putting you back on the chair." Deku lifted me off his lap and got off the chair. He put me down onto the chair and took up the chains from off the ground tying them back to my body and the chair. 

"Remember don't act up or else you know how the story went." He finished chaining me back to the chair and lift my head up and kissed my cheek, "You know darling I really love you...a lot and I only want what's best for you you know. That's all I want and I know the best thing for you is to stay with me, so please don't act up okay?" I stayed silent not bothering to answer him. 

"I love you darling." He kissed my cheek again and giggled. He walked towards the door exiting the room but before he closed the door he turned around and spoke, " I'll see you tomorrow okay? Bright and early~." 

Deku closed the door and leaving me alone in the empty room. I looked down at my lap, why did this have to happen to me. Why did I do to deserve this? All I want was attend U.A. to make friends, to become a hero and live a happy life. But here I am in a room by myself kidnapped by my crazy yandere classmate.       

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