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Soulmates. What is a soulmate? A soulmate is someone who you feel deeply connected to. A soulmate is someone who completely understands you and loves you unconditionally. Not everyone believes in soulmates; they think there's no such thing and it's childish, but I believe that soulmates exist because...I met my soulmate. We've been friends since childhood. We would have playdates and sleepovers. Back then all I had was a childish crush on her but now, it's a lot more than that.

We're both in high school now. When we were kids we decided that we'll be going to U.A High. This is the top school in Japan. You had to have the grades to get in and I made sure to study hard so I could be with her. Over the years she's become more cheerful and kind. She always helped others when needed.

"Hey Uraraka. Where are you going with that stack of books?" Y/n asked as she approached Uraraka. We were walking to class together until Uraraka appeared. I watched as the two talked with anger and jealousy adorning my face.  I made sure that the two weren't able to see it though.

"Oh, hey Y/n-chan and Deku-kun! I was just returning these to the library." She answered smiling at my Y/n. It pissed me off. 

"Oh! Those look heavy let me help you!" Y/n offered to take some off the books from Uraraka. Why must she be so kind to others? She should only be kind to me. 

"Thanks a lot, Y/n!" Uraraka thanked her. 

"No problem!" I watched as the two walked away, chatting and laughing. It seems they expected me to follow them seeing as neither looked back and said anything. Jealousy burned in my heart as I watched them. 

 She's always polite to her classmates and teachers.

Y/n and I were both walking to school together. We talked about school and other stuff. I was just happy to be with her. She always makes my heart flutter and I'll be bored around her. I could listen to her talking for hours. Sadly, it was ruined once we stepped onto the school compound. 

"Good morning Kirishima," Y/n greeted Kirishima as we walked through the gates. 

"Oh, Morning Y/n and Midoryia!" He greeted back with his famous friendly smile. I'd appreciated it if he didn't smile at Y/n like that. 

"Good morning Kirishima," I forced myself to greet him with a cherry personality so it didn't seem like I despised him. 

"Why don't we all walk to class together?" Y/n asked. I didn't want Kirishima to join us. It was supposed to be just the two of us. Why did she have to ask him that?!

"Sure, why not!" Kirishima agreed. 

Y/n smiled, happy he agreed. She then turned to me and asked, "You ok with that Izuku?" No is what wanted to say but I could never o to her. 

"Sure," I gave them a fake smile. They both cheered and we head off to class together. This just ruined my whole day. 

"Hey, Y/n. Can I talk to you?" I asked. The school was over and everyone had already left so I took the opportunity to confess my feelings.

"Oh hey, Izuku! Yeah, I have time to spare." She replied, a small smile on her face.

"I'm just going straight to the point," I paused, the hallway was so quiet I was sure we could both hear the sound of my heart pounding, I took a breath, "I like you". I watched as the smile fell from her face and my heart shattered.

She avoided my eyes and softly spoke out, "I'm sorry, I don't feel the same, plus you're like a brother to me." She shifted uncomfortably under my gaze.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, still avoiding my eyes. Y/n turned and walked away. I knew then that I had lost a friend and my soulmate.

I couldn't bear it. I felt an uncontrollable rage build up inside me because of the rejection. I followed her quietly and knocked her out. I stared at her unconscious figure on the ground. I ensured the area was clear before picking her up and walking out of the building.

It's been two hours since Y/n has been unconscious. I sat on my bed and watched her sleeping figure tied on the chair. 

'How could she reject me? We've been friends for so long. If she didn't like me...then who does she like? Is there someone who has captured her heart? Are they the reason she rejected me?!'

I stopped overthinking as I heard a groan come from in front of me. I quickly lifted my head up, my attention was now on my beautiful Y/n as her eyes fluttered open.

"Izuku!... Where am I?! W-why did you do this?!" She screamed confused and scared. I smiled and placed my hand on her cheek.

 " and I were meant to be're my SOULMATE."

Note: This was not taken from JohnnyCake Va, I wrote this myself alongside, my friends. The plot of this story was for an English assignment, which was to have 400-450 words, hence, why it's short. I just added different characters to the story and few more words. 

Yandere Deku x Fem reader one shots {On Hold}Where stories live. Discover now