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It wasn't a fair game, really. Not only did he know the house inside and out, but he also had certain abilities — heightened senses — that would allow him to easily find Katherine wherever she went.

He could smell her arousal from a mile away.

It was an utter shame he only had her for twenty-four hours. He wanted to keep her. Unfortunately, that wouldn't be possible. But he would enjoy her for the time he had her.

He bounded through the manor as any man on a high-stakes mission, pretending to search high and low for his wicked wench.

"Oh, Katherine," he called. "Where are you?"

What an exquisite ebony goddess she was. Mahogany skin glistened under the crackling fire. He was alight with lust. Cravings only one woman could satisfy this night. Katherine Jefferson. Kit, as she liked to call herself. But she would forever be his Katherine.

An exotic beauty to behold.

He could hear her footfalls descending the hallway, slowing to a fade. But her heartbeat was pounding in his ears, thundering with excitement and desire, pumping in time with his own.

She wanted to win, but she wanted him to find her more. Of this, he was sure.

He crept down the corridor and through the narrow passageway leading to his bedchamber. He could hear her labored breathing, feel her anxiety and uncertainty. Would he find her in time?

He traveled to the room she had unwittingly led him to, the one adjacent to his sacred room, the one he had hoped she'd find.

He tore open the closet door but was met with silence and emptiness, sake for the belongings he kept there. He knelt to search under the bed. No sign of Miss Katherine yet, and time was running out.

One last place he checked. The balcony. But when that, too, was empty, his heart sank.

He startled at the sound of rustling in the hedges. He spotted a glimpse of fabric behind the tall bushes and made haste, chasing the sight with dark determination.

The clock struck. The bell had rung in the distance. The hour was nigh, right as his eyes landed on her crouched behind the shrubbery.

"I win," she said at the same time he said, "Found you."

They shared a laugh, tension and anxiety giving way to relief and contentment.

Bent down the way she was, her nightgown, already short, had risen, allowing him a full view of those luxuriant thighs caressed by the pale moonlight. It was enough to leave him fully erect and rife with want.

She locked eyes with him, and the laughter dissipated from her face. There was only desire there. She stood up and came closer. At the same time, he took a step toward her. With her this close to him, he was free to take in her magnificent beauty. He took his time, roving his eyes over her, memorizing every detail of her face, from her piercing midnight eyes to the sharp curve of her chin to the plumpness of her sensuous mouth.

The possibilities of what he could do with her mouth were endless.

"Let's call it a draw," he said.

"Cheater," she teased.

"Will you honor my request, Katherine?"

"What request is that?"

"A dance."

"A dance? That's it?"


That wasn't it, far from it. But a dance would allow him the opportunity to hold this beautiful woman in his arms and determine whether they would take their game further tonight.

"While we dance, you may ask me whatever you wish, and as promised, I will do my best to answer."

After a moment's consideration, she smiled.

"Okay, Reggie. Let's dance."

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