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A dance. One dance. That's all it was, so why was her heart fluttering wildly in her chest?

She took his extended hand and let him guide her back inside the mansion. He took a moment to select a record and placed it on the vintage player. She couldn't help but wonder why he bothered with that old machine when there was a radio right beside it.

A sweet, romantic melody filled the room, transporting them in time. He stood before her, placing a hand on her waist as his other held her hand. She rested her free hand on his shoulder and stepped closer into his space.

"This song is lovely."

He smiled mischievously but said nothing as he expertly guided her about the room with ease.

"So, I believe you said I could ask you any question I wanted, and you would be honest with me."

"I will certainly do my best to satisfy your curiosity," he replied.

"You said you aren't a squatter and have lived here all your life. Why doesn't Giles Branson know you live here?"

"Mr. Branson is aware of my presence."

"He never mentioned you."

"No. He wouldn't. I'm rather... difficult to explain."

"I'll say. Some British guy in a period costume skulking around the manor. No wonder Giles can't find a buyer."

"Skulking? I assure you I most certainly do not 'skulk' about."

She couldn't help but be amused by him. Her laughter seemed to stir something in him because he smiled softly in return and gazed longingly into her eyes.

"You're a wonderful dancer, Reginald."

"I see I've earned enough respect for you to call me by my name rather than that silly moniker."

"Reggie isn't silly. Reginald just feels so stiff and formal. So does this dance. I think it's time to bring you back to the twenty-first century."

He lifted an eyebrow. "And what might that include?"

"The electric slide," she said.

"The what?"

Katherine laughed at the bewildered look on his handsome face and stepped out of his embrace. She set the needle on the player aside, and silence washed over them. She turned on the radio and selected an up-tempo number with a good beat.

"Come on, Gramps. Follow along with me."

She stepped to the right with her right foot, then crossed her left foot to the right.

"What on earth is this dance?" Reginald asked as he struggled to fall in line with the steps and match the rhythm of the song.

"The electric slide. Come on, cross your left foot to the right, Reg."

"It's impossible to replicate. How do you keep up with this melody?"

"Here," she said, taking pity on him. She grabbed his hand and put it on her hip. "Wrap your arms around me and let me lead."

"I'm used to being in charge," he protested.

"I'm sure you are, Reggie, but that was before you met me."

"Indeed, Miss Katherine. You are right about that."

He put his other hand on his waist, and she let her body melt against him, loving the way his hard chest pressed firmly to her back.

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