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He had to shun his emotions. Otherwise, he might do something utterly ridiculous, like sweep Katherine in his arms and kiss the living daylights out of her.

She claimed to want to explore this attraction between them, but he still needed to be cautious and take this slow. If he rushed it, he risked scaring her off and losing her forever, and he couldn't bear the thought.

"So, how does this work, exactly? Do you come over here and ravage me on this table, or..."

"First, I think we should get more comfortable, don't you?"

"Does that mean—"

"Take off your clothes, Katherine."


Her surprise at his change in tone excited him further.

She stripped out of her robe first and pulled down the straps of her gown before letting it fall to the floor, presenting him with the gift of her enticingly naked body.

Her skin, the color of melted chocolate, was impossibly smooth. He took in the sight of her with the greedy eyes of a man starving with need. He loved her voluptuous form, a magnificent bounty of delicious feminine curves from every angle — from her plump mounds peaked with arousal to her generous hips and ample bottom.

He closed the space between them and took her silken buds into his palms, teasing the dusky tips with his fingers. He was adept at the piano and could play quite well on the violin and cello, but Katherine was by far his favorite instrument to play.

She moaned at his touch, so he took the copper nipple between his lips, sucking voraciously. She dove her hands into his hair as he continued to lash the tautened crest with his eager tongue, taking it roughly between his teeth while he twisted the other with his fingers.

His other hand, needing to caress her soft curves, traveled to her luscious backside, smoothing a palm and squeezing her lovely swollen cheeks.

A swift smack to one cheek caused her to grip harder to his hair, encouraging him to spank the other with equal force.

"Reginald," she moaned.

"Do you like that, Katherine?"


He smacked her again, putting a veritable force behind the slap this time before smoothing the raised skin with his palm.

"Harder," she declared.

That most certainly could be arranged. He halted his teasing of her breasts and claimed her mouth, needing a taste of her lips once more.

"Lean forward on the table and keep your legs spread apart."

"Like this?" She asked when she had gotten into position.

"Exactly like that."

Her arse was already getting swollen and red from the love taps he's given her. He couldn't wait to see her bruised and blackened and trembling with need for him.

He took off his clothing, eager to close the distance between them.

"May I?" He asked her, indicating the strap in his hands that he wanted to secure over her back, locking her in place.

"You're going to tie me up?"

"Only if you want me to."


"Say it."

"I want you to."

"You want me to what, Katherine?"

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