XIII: Birthdays and Dinner Dates

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Wren was nervous. He found that slightly unnerving, as he wasn’t really a person who got nervous a lot. A man of his profession and status couldn’t afford to. But, as he was standing behind the chair, clutching the backrest so hard his knuckled whitened, he couldn’t deny it.. He was nervous. He was contemplating whether or not he should just leave, and let Mae, Abigail and Desmond share this day with Elliot. He wasn’t one to simply run away though, he faced his problems head on.

     Even though Elliot did things to him that made him question his sanity, and made him do and feel things that couldn’t be explained, that was one thing that wouldn’t change. Wren did not run from his problems.

     His fingers were twitching, reaching towards his pocket where he usually kept his cigarettes. He wasn’t much of a smoker, really, but right now he could use one. Like the first day he visited this shop, his nerves seemed to overtake every single thought in his head, and it was impossible to ignore them. Just one drag from those cancer sticks, and the heavy smoke would settle like a cloudy veil over his mind, and soothe his freed nerves.

     But his cigarettes weren’t there. They hadn’t been since that first day when Elliot told him off for taking them out in the Tea Shop. Every day after that he’d felt peaceful enough to go without them. He was hesitant to admit that it was Elliot’s presence in his every day life that changed his bad habit, but there was really no other explanation.

     One look at Elliot, and Wren could feel his troubles slip to the back of his mind. Elliot’s presence demanded to be known, in a way that fascinated Wren. It wasn’t that Elliot tried hard to be the only person on your mind, but his warm persona and sweet smile just did that. 

     Or perhaps that’s just Wren.

     Normally, thinking of Elliot helped when Wren was troubled. This time, though, it only made him more anxious. Was this really a good idea? How would Elliot react? What if he sees all this, and just freaks out?

     But, all the tension disappeared from Wren’s body as soon as Elliot walked through the door. He realised that his fears were stupid, because Elliot would never reject him. Of course, he might not want a romantic relationship, but he would never reject him as a friend. Wren knew him well enough by now to know that, and he scolded himself for not trusting their relationship enough.

     But judging by the look on Elliot’s face, Wren wouldn’t have to worry about anything at all. Elliot had never looked more beautiful, in Wren’s eyes. His eyes were blown wide open in surprise, and his gaping mouth had never been more tempting. His cheeks were rosy from the cold, and despite the wind he could tell Elliot had at least tried to tame his unruly hair. 

     His eyes roamed the whole room before meeting Wren’s gaze, and he let out a gasp. Wren had tried his hardest to not let his feelings show, but clearly he hadn’t succeeded. His eyes were full of the heat churning in his belly, that only got worse by the second. Wren’s eyes flickered down to Elliot’s lips, which he had just licked — a nervous habit of his, Wren had learned.

     ”Hello, Elliot,” Wren greeted with a voice thick with emotion. He couldn’t help but feel grateful.  For what, he wasn’t sure, but it did make his eyes water just slightly, and his emotions ran wild. Perhaps because this was the first time they met in a different setting than usual, and it felt different. It was obvious what Wren’s intentions were, and so far Elliot hadn’t resisted. Wren supposed that was what made him choke on his on breath for just a second.

     ”Hi,” Elliot replied in what might as well have been a whisper, his voice so low and uncertain.

     Wren had deliberately chosen to set this up in the Tea Shop, because he didn’t want to take Elliot completely out of his comfort zone. He’d witnessed how Elliot reacted to unfamiliar situations, and although he could handle them he would much rater avoid them. Wren decided that he didn’t want to force another stress factor upon Elliot on their first date.

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