Epilogue: Don't Let It End

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The bakery was even busier than normal, the festive spirit drawing customers there like moths to a flame. They were celebrating three successful years of business, and it was so crowded Elliot could barely maneuver his way back into the kitchen. He'd been running back and forth all day, juggling his responsibilities well. Between the rounds of baking he was gossiping with customers, waiting tables, and keeping an eye on the small lady in the very back - it was of utmost importance to keep her satisfied.

     Every time he eyed her baby bump his heart beat a little harder, knowing that what was in there was about to pop any day now. He couldn't be happier.

     Wren was sitting beside her, smiling like a lunatic as he stroked her stomach. It warmed Elliot's heart to see him like that. He'd be an amazing dad, Elliot was sure of it.

     For now, though, they just had to wait.

     "Elliot!" someone shouted form across the room, and Elliot's little bubble burst. He had to focus on work.

     "Oui, madame?" he spoke as he came close to the woman.

     His french had become sharp over the three years he'd lived in Paris, and whatever initial awkwardness he'd felt trying to speak the language was long overcome. It had taken Wren a bit longer to get used to it, but he didn't have to speak much French to be able to do his job, so it was never really a problem.

     The woman sent him back to the kitchen with the request of freshly baked croissants to take home, and luckily Elliot had just prepared a batch. All he had to do was shove them into the oven a short while, and in the meantime he could go back to check on his lover.

     "Hello Wren," he said as he sat down. "Abigail, you look lovely as ever," he continued, looking over at the redhead.

     "Oh shut up. I'm almost nine months pregnant, haven't showered in nearly three days, and I'm wearing sweatpants. I do not look 'lovely'," she muttered in between spoonfuls of yoghurt.

     Elliot only laughed. "Abby, you couldn't look more lovely if you tried. The fact that you're carrying Wren's little baby, and he's due to arrive anytime now, makes you the most beautiful woman in the world to me."

     Abigail blushed and grumbled something Elliot couldn't make out.

     "I might have to agree with Elliot, Abby. You're amazing," he said and stroked her stomach again.

    "Would you stop that?" she asked and pushed his hand away. "That feels way too intimate. You're supposed to be all over Elliot, not me." She'd been more irritable than usual the last couple of days.

     "But that's my little man in there," Wren whined. "I want to make sure he knows he's loved." He pouted.

      "Well, can you do that in a less public setting?" she asked, once again swatting Wren's hands away from her stomach. "Honestly, I hope that the baby comes out with a head full of red hair. That'd serve you right," she pouted. She wasn't overly fond of all the extra attention she got from Wren, especially not when she felt disgusted with her own body. Elliot had talked to her about it, and while she said she loved them both for giving her the opportunity to carry their first born, she'd never do it again. She hated being pregnant.

     "Hey, we've talked about this," Elliot argued. "There's a high possibility that Wren's dark features are gonna win over your fiery red hair."

     That had also been a concern - they'd wanted the kid to resemble either Wren or Elliot, since it was going to be theirs, essentially. There was no way they could combine Elliot's fair complexion with Abigail's dominant red hair without ending up with a baby as fiery as Abigail. But they really wanted Abigail to carry their first baby, so after talking to a few doctors they decided that if Wren gave it a try, the risks would be worth it.

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