Unexpected Question

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My old man and this woman still kept on talking like it was nobody's business. I was left with more questions than answers.

"Pops... do you know this woman?" I finally asked.

"I sure do; this is the person I was talking to you about a few days ago. I got ahold of her to meet you."

"Wait- Really?"

Before I could say anything else, the woman proceeded to take off her cloak and revealed a beautiful woman with long black hair, a curvy body, and a slightly revealing outfit.

"Cut the perverted look Konor." She said as she finished taking off her cloak.

"Hahaha, nothing gets past you as always." He says in a mischievous smile.

"Anyways, I haven't introduced myself to you. My name is Athena. A goddess."

A goddess? This is the first time I've ever met a diety. I didn't know what to say at first.

"N-nice to meet you! My name's Colin." I said with a nervous tone.

"Hehe, well, aren't you polite for someone who a Weretiger raised." She teased.

I wasn't sure if that was supposed to be a compliment or an insult. Afterward, my pops invited Athena over to our home to talk about me.

"Anyways, Colin, I wanted to ask you something since I came all the way here at Konor's request."

"Y-yes?" At this point, I was more flustered towards Athena's beauty and her soothing voice. Although I didn't know what these feelings were. She replied.

"Would you like to join my familia and give you my blessing?"

I was surprised by her question. Why would a goddess come all the way here of all places to ask me to join her familia? Then it suddenly hit me. Pops must've been in her familia at some point in his life. He must've been since Athena, and my Pops already knew each other when they met.

"Before I answer, I wanted to ask..."


"Was Pops in your familia when he was younger by any chance?" I asked with curiosity.

"Ah, he was, about 15 years ago. Konor was one of my strongest children, alongside the Amazoness sisters when they were young. Although he was a little harsh on Havu, she eventually developed a rival-like relationship with Konor. She always wanted to defeat him in a duel to see who was stronger than the other, even though she always lost. Ahh, it takes me back a bit." Athena looked nostalgic while explaining how pops were in her familia.

"Wow, that must've been rough for her." I replied while fascinated with how Pops was like in her familia.

"Honestly, the losses pushed her to become stronger, so she could one day defeat Konor in a rematch and be the strongest in the familia. Although someone left the familia before she could get the chance, huh?" She said while frowning at pops.

"Hehe yeaaaa, hopefully she isn't to mad at me after all this time." Pops replied.

"Well, she probably is even as we speak." She said with a smirk.

As she kept speaking with Pop, I thought about my decision to join her familia. The possibilities of being able to grow stronger than I already am now, being able to meet new people and battle enemies no one would dare to face, and the exciting experiences I might have.

"So, Colin, have you made a choice yet?" Athena asked.

I knew my answer. She came all way here from who knows where to ask me to join her familia and told me all about my pops when he was in her familia, and she was a beautiful goddess, so I couldn't refuse.

"Yes, I do, my goddess." I eagerly replied.

She gave me a smile to my response.

"Hehe, well someone's excited. Very well, as of now, you are my child, Colin." She said as she held my hand.

Sometime after I received Athena's blessing and became part of her familia, we were preparing to head out to the city she was from. Even though I had made my decision with no mistake, I still felt conflicted about leaving my old man behind. He did raise me all this time, after all. I need to say something to thank him after all this time. I walked up to him.

"...Um... I-." Before I could say anything else. He spoke to me.

"Don't worry about me kid. I'll be fine here in the village. To be honest with you, I'm not too great at sentimental goodbyes. So don't be too concerned about it, alright? I promised your parents to take care of you, and now I've done my job."

When he said all that to me, I was trying not to let my tears shed. My expression was very obvious that I was trying to hold back.

"Come on, Colin. Don't go breaking on me now; after all that hellish training you've through, you haven't cried once."


"Oh- before you go, I wanted to give you something."

Huh? What did my old man want to give me that he has? After a few moments, he came out of his home with something in his hand.

"Here." As he held out his hand, I saw a bright ring with an opal stone on it. It looked beautiful, but it didn't look like something my old man would have.

"You wanted to give me this ring?"

"Yes, this ring belonged to your mother. I thought you should have it for when you learn to use magic. It gives a slight boost of power to spells." He said while giving me the ring.

My eyes widened a bit.

"This ring belonged to mother? It looks really pretty. I'll use it then." I said as I put the ring on my index finger in my left hand.

"Are you boys done yet? We should be heading out soon. I'm a bit worried about what my other children will do if I'm gone for too long..." Athena said with a slightly concerned expression.

"Heh, alright!" I responded.

As I headed towards goddess, I looked back at my old man.

"Well, goodbye! And thank you!"

He responded.

"Yea! See you around, kid!"

As I began to gain some distance from my old man's village, I looked towards the sky.

"You homesick already?" My goddess teased.


"Well don't worry if you think you aren't going to get along with my familia. I'm sure they'll take a liking to you." Athena smiled.

"Heh, thank you."

As I looked forward, what only waited for me was my goal, all the future adventures and experiences I would have, my familia, and just maybe a girl in a dungeon.

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