Part 22

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At outhouse

Al:- Manik why are you talking to us rudely

M:- Mukti give me that paper

Mu give paper to him

Read this loud and clear Mrs Vedant

Al:- Fab 5 contract paper
Manik see i am really sorry i know i made this paper but at that time i m really insecurity coz of that bit...
She got a slap

M:- Monsterious voice don't utter a word towards My girl is that clear to you.

Aliya nooded

I want answer dammit

Al:- Yes manik

M:- Now according to this contracts we have to do 20 ablums together and i think this 23 ablum we are doing so if you are creating problem in my life or my love one than i have full right to remove you both of you and if i got knew that today incident is done by you than you will saw my worse mind it. Its apply to you dhruv.

D:- Why buddy why this apply to me and aliya not mukti and cabir. Cabir is your brother so forget about him but why mukti what she is to u? She also there with us badmouthing ur love at that time.

M:- coz she my sister and she is guilty whatever she said to nandini and i know she already ask forgiveness from nandu too. So its apply to you both only

D:- ok you want to remove na than remove i will also see who come as keyboard and acoustic guitar

M:- Cabir start the audience online and this discuss with Abhimanyu Sir to

C:- ok

D:- but before that we want previous album money and this album too which we doing

M:- Aliya  shouted

A:- yes manik

M:- Read clauses 21 and 22

A:- hmm
21) After doing 20 album we are not related to this group if we want than we have to agree on 22 and 23 clause

22) After 20 album if we do any album then its our wish and we don't get any payment regrading album other than 20 album as per clauses this our fee to stay in this group

23) if we will leave between any ablum however it is have to pay 50 lakhs rupess

D:- Whf

M:- lower your volume mister
Decision will be your.
If you don't want do album give 50 lakh n go n if you want to do than you both didn't get any payment.

A:- We are doing. Album


M:- better see you tomorrow at 7 am sharp

D:- baby how can you do this?

A:- lets go to our room

D:- hmm

In dhryla room

A:- we have plan  against nandini and live this life right

D:- ya

A:- for that we have stay here for album
N this bloody contract we only made it and in this contract it is not mention that lead singer have that power to remove us

D:- is it soo?

A:- yes. Baby

D:- ok i m cool with it.

But little they didn't know manik change whole contract after 6th month and have all signature in that which have many clauses which they both didn't knew .

At night
After outhouse darma over

Manik went to nandini room but found empty he check all room but she can't find last go to family room and see all are sleeping peaceful
He go near nandini and started careses her hair

M:- Jaan i miss you so much. I know i did mistake on that day but i realized that night itself. I come to your house jaan but i didn't found yoh than i have go for pune after that when exam start i try my all ways to talk but you just disappear, after seeing you with abhimanyu sir next morning i came your house to talk but you just vanish like a air after that i try my all specific way to find you and one day you got me here, after i come here i try my level best to talk with you but reyansh sir is always with you. I really love u jaana if u are not happy in presence of mine i will go far away just to keep you happy . For me your happiness is only matter. I love you my star and kiss her forehead
And went to his room

But little don't abhi, rey, anvni and nandini is listening to him and rey recorded too.
Nandini have beautiful smile and then sleep

Next day

Abhi suggest that fab 5 practice in Star Mansion so nandini easily look after them ...

After 3 long hour of practice

N:- Have lunch than rest for 1 hr than continue

M:- Ok

While having lunch

Nandini feels so much spicy that she is crying and run to washbase and throw all food

Manik go behind her and patted her back at same time sid come home

And see nandu in kitchen

S:- Baby what happened

M:- she is puking everything.

After 5 min

N:- Bhai ice cream

S:- Bacha why this moment ice cream

N:- My food is so much spicy i want ice cream otherwise my mouth will burn speaking while resting her head on manik and manik careses her hair.

Sid immediately bring ice cream while nandini sitting in kitchen slab and her head is on manik shoulder

After eating manik clean her face.

Sid pick her and went to sofa

S:- Manik can you bring her dish i want to taste it

C:- Its no use sir coz nandini is saying absolutely correct her food is so much spicy

S:- U rnot eating same food

Mu:- Ni actually ragini mam come to tell nandini she have to eat soup and veggies
And for us its Mix veggie and paratha  rice and dal fry but at time of servings bulter told ragini mam already made nandini food different

S:- Oh ya she can't eat all veggies.
But mom know she can't eat spicy

While they were discussing this manik give nandini fav chocolate which she happily take and eat it.

At that time ragini come from NGO

R:- what happened princess?

N:- mumma i m hungry. That food you make is spicy spicy.

R:- o my baby wait here i will get your soup , veggies And sandwich.

After 20 minutes

R:- come princess lets eat than have your medicine

Nandini eat and than after some time while playing with sid button she sleep.

S- mom why did you make spicy.

R:- i didn't make it spicy n this soup which she finish is only that only i know my whole family will eat what my princess eat or i put extra soup and veggies into freezer i just warm it and make sandwich.

S:- ok mom

So any guesses who did nandini food spicy?

Is nandini forgive manik this easily?

Stay Safe
Stay healthy
Take care
Lots of love

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