Part 29

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May;- What rubbish are you talking about princess ?

Ma:- Uhhh mam we think that nandini and Reyyansh sir is engage

Kr:- If they have to engage then why i m here?

C;- Mean i can't understand anything.

Abe:- (while laughing) is that Kriya is Rey Gf and they are going to engage soon

Mu;- Than what about nandini

Ne:- She is Neil and Ragini Daughter and Twin of Rey by mistake

Re:- Dad what do you mean by mistake

Ne:- That's we want two daughter but by mistake you come but after 18 year you give me beautiful daughter kriya so i forgive u (chill way)

Re- ( horrific and shock with faking anger) dad i m ur mistake serious u just love kriya more than me

Ne:- Are you saying or asking it?

Re:- Mommm

Ra:- What

Re:- See na dad

Ra:- I m seeing him from last 49 year and 50 year is starting after 5 month.

Re:- Aarhhh

Ra:- Neil stop joking now come we have to ask doctor alot think.

Ne:- ok

Ma:- Can i talk to her in private

Re:- Ya sure but remember one thing after princess fit and fine if she doesn't want in your life than you will out of her life forever

Ma:- Ya sure its all up to nandini i agree with her in all her decision if she happy without me than i happy in her happiness.

Ab:- Thats good now go you have only 20 minute.

Inside room.

Oxyegn mask,wire are connected to nandini.

Manik heart is crying by seeing this conditions of his love

Other side in Outhouse

Al:- How Manik just throw out of hospital i don't understand who is in icu room n where the bloody hell nandini is why no one is caring for her. They never stop my princess is this my princess is that n now no one is caring why she is not there they bloody thing there princess in meeting i hope she not.but cutted in middle

Dh:- what u mean by she is not in meeting

Al;- umm baby i know u will angry but don't worry you will use her as much u need i just did

Dh:- You just what aliya?

Al:- Umm baby i just did all accident in past few day which happen to nandini like putting pebble on stair, spicy her food,back itching,pricing her hand in glass,her allergies food,her skin care damage,scary her at night,and jamal gota in her food and today i broke her car  and food poison in her food.

Dh:- Oh my baby u do this much u need my harsh punishment but you can discuss with me na we will do all this thing plus i can use her by giving sleeping pills  to her .

Al:- oh baby i got scared what if you tell any members of family

Dh:; naah i never do that.
But what further plan

Al:- I want to steal Reiss Fashion House paper and put my name on CEO instead of her.and i have pretend she herself do this than i want to marry Reyyansh and do extra affair with you and i will become queen of This house and i will make navya marry to manik and manik property will be on navya name so we can take revenge from mukti and harshad and i want so many share from all the company they have in after sometime i will take it on my name than i will remove all from this house i will be queen n ruler of london

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