Part 18

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Next day.
At 5 pm.
In star Mansion.
In garden.

Nandini is sitting on swing sipping her coffee

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Nandini is sitting on swing sipping her coffee. There came cabir & mukti.

Cabir:- Hey Mam can we take break for sometime & give my sister to me.

Mukti:- & my friend too. We want to tell something to her. Pretty pls.

Nandini thinks for sometime & nodded.

N:- Only for 30 min. For ur sister & ur friend. Start first whose gonna speak.

C:- I m sorry nandini. I don't know what that time got in me. I really admire with manik. I have fear to loose all my friends coz of our parents doesn't give us time. They live away from us in childhood too. I m sry but within an hour u regret what i say to u. Please forgive me please. U can take ur time but please return my sister back like told time. I miss u alot.

Mu:- U know i have broken family. I don't know what is love untill harshad came in my life but one fight btw harshad & manik lead our breakup. After that i become addicted to drugs & alcohol . I visit every night in pub or club to spend night with boys but its never happen. I drink alots of drink than someone drop me to home that someone is none other than harshad. He always love me but never saw this. That day when aliya & dhruv blame u. I know they r wrong but i can't loose my only family so i supported them. After that i m regret what i m saying u help harshad. U give him courage to sort out difference btw him & manik & me. For that time i understand ur pain. U know still today manik never forgive me. Whenever i ask for his forgiveness he always told me that when my jaan forgive u than i will forgive uh both. We both just talk with him only when he wanted to talk. When he come home. What he do. We don't know anything. He never talk with me & cabir. If its related to something than only he talk with us. I m not telling u to forgive me. But give us chance to forgive us.
I m also not telling that u come back to manik. If u r happy without him. We are also happy. I want friend like u. Please give us chance.

N:- U both are not in fault so i think of ur forgiveness i need some time for that.
But i m Warning u both if dhruv, aliya or navya do anything to my friends & family than with them ur career is also finish. I will screw whole Fab 5. I m not that weak nandini who came india 2 year ago by running from her family. I m stronger than any one. & regarding manik i can't forgive him. So don't force me to talk with him. About ur forgiveness i will tell u after 2 days.

By saying this she went to her room.

So here is a small update.
Talk with nandini, cabir & mukti.

I just needed some time for writing further chapter.
I will be back soon. Till than njoy this.

I didn't check this chapter if any mistake than ignore it.

See You.
Take Care.

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