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The news plays in the background as I'm washing dishes leftover from dinner. 

"Well folks, the nightmare is over! Our beloved guardians of Paris, Ladybug and Chat Noir, have successfully obtained the Akuma and saved the city once again!"

Oh please, I think while rolling my eyes, this city has been wrought with disaster and destruction ever since they arrived. Before Ladybug and Chat Noir, there was no Hawk Moth terrorizing the citizens of Paris. They're the reason Hawk Moth is here, they aren't our saviors, just measly excuses for heroes. 

After putting the last of the silverware away, I walk into the living room to catch the rest of the news.

"..the Wishmaker. Don't be bemused, it's just the news!"

The Wishmaker? Seriously? This is getting pathetic, these people are being akumatized for the most absurd reasons. Like that time when Max was so distraught over Marinette taking his spot in a video game tournament, or when Lê Chiến Kim went ballistic at school because Chloe rejected him. I get being upset, but is it really that severe that you allow something to take control over you and put everyone in danger?

I turn off the news and retreat back to my bedroom, shutting and locking the door behind me. Maybe I made a mistake moving from the United States to live with my aunt. It doesn't matter though, I'm stuck here now. I lay in my bed and stare at the ceiling, thinking of how different things would be if I were still with my parents before the accident that took everything from me. Sighing, I rolled over and clicked off my lamp.

All actions have consequences, some can never be fixed.

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I hear the doorbell to my apartment ring as I hurriedly finish packing up my schoolbag. Running through the living room, I see my aunt watching the news as usual. 

"Alright I'm heading out now"

"Bye hun, be safe and don't forget to make smart choices"

"Thank you, I feel so..inspired" I say, sarcasm seeping into my voice. 

I rush to the front door before my aunt has time to lecture me on respect. As I open the door to leave, I collide with Luka's chest.

"Hey I was just about to come in to say hi to your aunt before we leave"

"Not today Couffaine" I say as I grab his hand and drag him away from my apartment. Shrugging his shoulders, Luka reluctantly follows my lead down the sidewalk. We walk a few blocks in total silence, neither of us caring to speak.

"You do realize you don't have to walk me to school every day, right?" I ask Luka. It had been a few months since I'd moved here, and every single day since I had moved in, Luka made an effort of stopping by my apartment to walk with me to school so I wouldn't have to make the commute alone.

"I know" 

"So why do you then? Do you enjoy walking the five extra blocks it takes to get here?"

"Yes, actually, I do. It gives me something to do, plus I enjoy your company"

"Hmm, are you sure it isn't because the Dupain-Cheng bakery is a few blocks away from my apartment?"

"Well, that could possibly be another reason" Luka says while laughing "Oh also Marinette gave me some Éclairs as I was passing by, want one?" 

"Don't mind if I do" I say, reaching towards the open box containing four fresh Éclairs.

We finish eating while walking the rest of the way to school. Once we arrive, Luka and I say our goodbyes as I head towards Collège Françoise Dupont and Luka continues down the sidewalk to the pizza joint he works at. 

As I walk up the stairway leading to the entrance, I bump into Chloe Bourgeois as she and Sabrina are exiting. 

"My bad" I say, trying to avoid any sort of conflict. To no surprise, Chloe, who seems severely offended, stops dead in her tracks to face me. Speaking in her usual loud tone, she begins to vocalize her feelings.

"Watch where you're going next time! You could have stepped on my new shoes and gotten them dirty!"

"Well Chloe, maybe if your feet weren't so big then people would have a smaller chance of scuffing them" Lila says in a chipper voice as she steps up next to me. I look over at her as I try to contain my laughter, to which she glances over to me, giving me a subtle wink. 

"This is ridiculous! Utterly Ridiculous!" Chloe screams as Lila and I walk off to join the other students inside of the common area, leaving Sabrina alone to contain Chloe's tantrum. 

"Well that's one way to start off the day" I remark, glad to be away from Choe.

"For sure, Chloe is such an attention seeker. That girl will do just about anything to get everyone's eyes on her" Lila says while rolling her eyes and flipping her hair behind her shoulder. She's not the only one, I think to myself while forcing a smile.

The bell begins chiming, signaling the beginning of class, as students make their way to their classrooms. I join the crowd with Lila close behind me as we head up the stairs to Miss Bustiers' class. Most of the seats are occupied as we enter, which isn't surprising since punctuality is everything here. I head to my assigned seating in the third row next to Ivan, while Lila plops down in her seat directly behind me. 

The last to enter the class is Adrien and Nino, late to class as usual. Looking directly at me, Adrien greets me by name, as he does every day.

"Hey y/n! Glad to see you!"

"Hey Adrien, it's good seeing you as well" I respond casually. I'm not too sure why he greets me, my assumption is that he's trying to make me feel as welcome as possible even though it's already been a little over two months of me attending. To no surprise, Lila perks up behind me, calling out Adrien's name.

"Hi, Adrien! How are you?" she asks, sounding unusually optimistic. All he does, though, is gives Lila a smile, barely acknowledging her. I try my best to contain my laughter as I hear her huff behind me clearly annoyed.

Miss Bustier begins by greeting all of us and going over the lesson plan for the day. Glancing over, she notices Chloe's and Sabrina's absence and begins opening her mouth to ask if anyone has seen them at school today. Without warning, the classroom door swings open, and in walks Principal Damocles.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your lesson, Miss Bustier, but I need to see y/n y/l/n and Lila Rossi in my office" The principal states in an even voice.

As we begin grabbing our things, in walks Chloe and Sabrina, both with shrewd smiles plastered to their faces. Uh-oh, this can't be any good.

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Authors note:

Hey, thank you for giving my story a visit. I hope you decide to continue reading, as I will be publishing new chapters every so often (and I will be incorporating people's requests ;D ).

(There will be some blossoming romance scenes with Luka & y/n, Adrien & y/n, and Chat Noir & y/n so stay tuned. Who would you rather end up with at the end of this?)

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