Stuck on Sapphire

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I hear a tap on my window at 7:49 and immediately know it's Luka. Not wanting my aunt to know he's here, I poke my head out of my bedroom door and let her know that I'm going to sleep. Once I've shut and locked my door, I run over to the window and slide it open.

Clumsily, Luka climbs in through my window as quickly as possible, knocking over a cup of pens sitting on the window sill, causing a racket as pens clattered all over my floor. I grab Luka's arms to steady him as he maneuvers his body the rest of the way into my room.

"Sorry about the pens"

"You're fine, I doubt my aunt heard it over the TV."

"Okay good, because I don't think I'd be able to climb back through your window if she decided to investigate" Luka says as he plops down on my bed with a grin. Gosh, that boy has the prettiest smile I've ever seen, with perfect teeth hidden behind a pair of soft rosy lips. It's no wonder he makes so much in tips delivering pizza.

As I'm distracted, I realize a few seconds too late that Luka has noticed me staring at his lips. "Do I have something on my face?" he asks, looking slightly embarrassed as he reaches his hand up to wipe at his mouth.

"Oh! No, you don't. Sorry about that, I think I just zoned out for a second"

"Alright, if you say so. Come over here, I've gotta show you something"

I walk over to my bed and sit down next to him, looking at his phone as he pulls up a video. The video shows news reporter Nadia Chamack interviewing Ladybug and Chat Noir.

"It seems Hawk Moth hasn't akumatized anyone recently, do you guys know why?"

"Well" Chat Noir begins "We're not exactly sure why that is. We think he may be planning something big soon, we just don't know what"

"Do you guys have any leads on Hawk Moths identity?" Nadia pries, shoving the mic in Ladybug's face.

"Oh! Um, no we don't. But I think we're coming closer to getting some answers that could potentially reveal his identity!"

"Amazing! Well, Paris is definitely very excited for you two to finally take down Hawk Moth once and for all. That's all for tonight folks! Don't be bemused, it's just the news. Until next time!"

The clip ends as Luka sets his phone down next to him. He stares at me expectantly, waiting for me to say something.

"I don't get it, they don't know who Hawk Moth is so what's the big deal?"

"The big deal, y/n, is that they've found a bread crumb trail."

"I'm not following"

Luka, who is clearly exasperated, sighs dramatically while rolling his keen sapphire eyes.

"It means that WE could follow that bread crumb trail. Wouldn't that be so cool if we were the ones to expose Hawk Moths' identity?"

"I mean, I guess so. But there's no way we can, we don't have any clues of our own."

"Alya posted some useful info on the Ladyblog after that news clip was released. We can start with that and go from there."

Crap, this isn't good. How am I supposed to keep Luka from discovering Hawk Moths' identity without making him suspicious of me? Suddenly, a brilliant idea pops into my head. If I can feed him the wrong information, then maybe I can completely throw him off of my track.

"Alright" I begin "I'll help. I won't be able to meet up with you tomorrow, but I should be free on Wednesday."

"Awesome! I was thinking that on Wednesday we could get lunch and start talking about some of the leads, and then afterward interview Chat Noir since he's more likely to talk than Ladybug."

"I'm down for lunch, but I don't think talking to Chat Noir would be a good idea. Besides, I doubt he'll have time to talk with us"

Luka twists his body so he's able to look me straight on as he replies.

"Y/n, if I'm able to teach you one thing throughout all of our friendship, it's that guys will make time to talk to beautiful girls."

A furious blush spreads across my cheeks. I stand up quickly and walk to the other side of my room, grabbing a notebook so Luka doesn't see the goofy smile plastered onto my still red face. Before I turn around, I try to compose myself as best as possible.

"So, uh, here's a notebook you can use to write down notes on" I say, extending the notebook towards him.

"Thanks, nice purple butterflies by the way"

My heart practically stops. Did I hear him correctly? Does he know?

"What?" I whisper to him, my voice barely audible.

"I said" he whispers back "nice purple butterflies. Ya know, the ones on the cover of the notebook you just gave me?"


"Hey y/n?"


"Why are we whispering?"

I clear my throat, speaking in a normal tone once again "Sorry, my throat is a bit sore"

"I hope your throat starts feeling better by Wednesday, it would be pretty difficult interviewing someone while whispering don't you think?"

"I agree" I say while giggling.

"Alright, I'm gonna head out now. I'll text you once I get home so you know I haven't been akumatized"

"I have a feeling you won't. Now go before your mom starts wondering where you are."

I help keep him steady as he swings his legs over the window sill, hoping he doesn't knock anything else over on his way out.

Once he's gone, I change into my pajamas and lay down in bed. Shortly after I've gotten settled down, I get a message on my phone from Luka letting me know he made it home alright, even though I already knew nothing would happen to him.

Closing my eyes, I drift off to sleep with my thoughts still stuck on those sapphire eyes.

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