An Offer Worth Taking

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Before me lays Gabriel Agreste, one of the most well-known fashion designers in all of Paris. I'm too stunned to speak, so instead, I stand there, my mouth hanging half-open.

"Close your mouth, you aren't a flycatcher"

"Yessir, my apologies" I say quickly as heat rises to my face from the embarrassment.

"What are you doing in my room?"

"I'm just here to grab the papers in this envelope. I didn't mean to bother you"

I quickly grab the papers and begin to walk off when he speaks to me again.

"Wait, come here."

Reluctantly, I turn around and begin slowly walking towards his bedside. Although his status is enough to intimidate anyone, it's his dark demeanor that sends shivers down my spine. What could he possibly want?

As I wait for him to speak, I notice he's staring at me very intently, almost as if he's trying to read me. 

"Interesting.." Gabriel says to himself, loud enough for me to hear.

"What's interesting?"

"I'm sensing very intense emotions coming from you, but for whatever reason, I can't figure out exactly what it is that you're feeling."

I laugh nervously "What are you, some sort of psychic or something?"

"Or something" He replies in an even tone. This is really starting to creep me out, but I continue to stand there filled with child-like curiosity. 

"Are you happy?"





"I think I should get goi-"


I stopped where I was, staring directly into his cold eyes, pausing for a moment.

"Yes." I reply as I try to swallow the lump beginning to form in my throat. The pit of my stomach feels as if it's swarming with butterflies, my heart rate quickening with every passing second. Slowly, Gabriels' lips begin turning upward into a heinous smile, contorting his face into an expression I can only describe as evil.

"What are you, Hawk Moth or something?" I ask half-joking. Instead of answering my question, he begins to ask his own.

"If you could make any wish in the world, what would it be?"

"Why are you-"

"Just answer the question. What would you wish for?"

"I don't know, probably a dancing bear"

I immediately regret my sudden burst of sarcasm. Without warning, Gabriel Agreste is on his feet with a tight grip on my upper arm. Our faces are only inches apart, filling my nostrils with the smell of clean, musky cologne. His breath is hot against my cheek as he speaks in a low growl.

"Answer. The. Question."

My barely audible voice trembles as I answer his question.

"My mom."

"What happened to her?"

"I don't know."

"You don't know? Or you won't say?"

"I mean I don't know. I don't know where she went or what happened to her."

"Hm, you must've really loved your mother"

"She was my best friend" I feel like I can't breathe, my chest is too tight. I bite the inside of my cheeks as tears begin to well up in my eyes. I don't understand why he's doing any of this, or why any of this matters. Is he punishing me for entering his room unauthorized? No, there's gotta be a reason.

"What would you say if I told you I could bring her back to you?"

I look up, anticipating his expression to falter. But his eyes remain steady and his face straight. 


Gabriel's grip loosens from my arm once he realizes I don't plan on running away. He saunters over to the door to shut it as I remain standing where I am. Slowly, he makes his way back over to me, tension drenching the air.

"I want you to retrieve Ladybug and Chat Noirs Miraculous. Once you have retrieved them, I need you to bring them to me and I will be able to grant your wish."

"How am I supposed to retrieve them? There's no way they would just hand them over."

He hands me a simple wooden box that is latched on the side. I unlatch and open it, curious to see what's inside. I cover my eyes as a bright light begins seeping out of the box, blinding me. Within a few seconds, the light has faded and I can see again. Floating in front of my face is a purple creature with a human-like body and set of wings similar to a butterfly. A dark purple swirl is present on its abnormally large head. It stretches out, letting out a small yawn while doing so.

"Hello, my name is Nooroo, I am the kwami of the Butterfly Miraculous"

I stare at the kwami in utter disbelief. This can't be real. This has gotta be some sort of sick prank. I look over to Gabriel, only to see that he is not laughing. I look into the box and notice a brooch resembling a butterfly with white wings and a small purple gem perched directly in the center.

"Y/n, I want you to take my place as Hawk Moth"

My eyes widen as I try to process what he's just said. He just admitted to being Hawk Moth, THE Hawk Moth, and now he wants me to take his place as the most hated villain in Paris. While I try to comprehend what he's asking of me, Gabriel begins speaking once more.

"I'm not as strong as I used to be. As I get sicker, my body becomes weaker. If I continue as I am, Ladybug and Chat Noir will most certainly steal the Butterfly Miraculous, ruining your chances of bringing your mother back. But if you take my place, you will be strong enough to fight them. You will be able to take back their Miraculouses and bring your mother back."

"I'll do anything to bring her back, even if it means watching the world burn."

Gabriel's features darken as evil pleasure paints his features.

I can't believe this is happening.

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